Vero4k freezing issues... easily replicated on all 3 devices

Ping me in Slack.
If you can reproduce this we can fix it.

Good morning guys.

Sam, yes, unplugging to restart seems not a good idea. Haven’t done this often though. A reboot via ssh should be fine Id say?

About resetting the TV - is this a one time thing?
I’ll give it a try, no problem.

Switching the sources does not solve the problem, tried this a few times.

I think first I’ll switch off the screensaver to rule that one out. If that turns out to be the problem I would be unhappy because I haven’t found another good way to use my TV as a picture frame… :confused:

I’ll let you know.
A nice weekend for everyone!

Yes — the CEC reset only needs to be done once and usually resolved a lot of problems