Vero4K - How to reset to defaults?

Hi all. My faithful 4K (which I only use for playing movies from my LAN) is still running but glitches occasionally. Like, sometimes it freezes and I have to restart it. Last night it was playing a Reacher episode when it flipped back to the main menu, then kept doing it when it reached the same point.
There are other little bugs, too. Should I, can I, reset it to defaults?
Thanks so much for reading this,

There is a reset for just userdata in the My OSMC add-on if you don’t mind not having an undo option. You can manually load Kodi defaults to see if that that makes a difference with an option to go back…

Manual default userdata instructions

Let’s test with Kodi default settings. Enter the following commands with an SSH connection.

systemctl stop mediacenter
mv ~/.kodi ~/kodi.bak
systemctl start mediacenter

If needed you can restore:

systemctl stop mediacenter
mv ~/.kodi ~/kodi.bk2
mv ~/kodi.bak ~/.kodi
systemctl start mediacenter

If your original setup was restored as expected and you want get rid of the unneeded clean install you can delete that with the following command.

rm -r ~/kodi.bk2

If you want to completely reset to defaults for both Kodi and the operating system you can find instructions for performing a clean install at the “download” link at the top of this site.

You might consider posting some logs that show some of this behavior first though. Their might be an issue that someone may be able to spot that will allow you to fix the issue instead of starting over from scratch.

darwindesign: Thanks for the tips. I got a friend to bring around his 4K+ and it played the Reacher file with no probs. So I turned on my 4K. Usually it’s always on but I’d left it off overnight. It started up and its red light came on but the TV couldn’t see it on HDMI2, but it could see the 4K+ on HDMI3 (The SKY box is on HDMI1)
But the 4K kept showing a steady red light. I pulled all its cables several times but the red light kept showing (when the power lead was connected). Finally the blue light came on and the TV saw it on HDMI2, but then it flicked back to the red light. Then blue again and I finally got the normal Vero\Kodi menu. After a few more flickers and restarts it finally settled down and I was able to play the Reacher file past the glitch point.
Any thoughts?

Could be that the power supply starts failing. Maybe swap that with your friend for a week to see if he failure change.


fzinken: Thank you for that great tip about the power supply. Yes, it was faulty and when I used my friend’s 4K+ power supply it worked. The light is blue at startup (not red) and it plays the the Reacher file without faltering.
Much joy :heart_eyes:
Oops forgot to ask how I can get a new power supply?




Well the links that Tom shared allow you directly to order one. In case ordering from UK takes to long you also can buy a compatible one locally.