After updating to the latest and greatest on my test RPI2, then my Dual Boot RecalBox RPI3, I dipped into the Vero4K update. I update each OSMC box within a week of the update dropping and the RPI2 and RPI3 upgrade progressed without a fault…
Alas, on the V4K when I select any of my Media Source shortcuts (Movies/Children, TV, Music/Music, etc) either the V4K displays ‘Invalid argument’ or it hard locks/crashes.
The following log is from rebooting the V4k, selecting Movies/Children, and being shown ‘Invalid argument’
If I go to Add Video the V4K has NO issue navigating to the appropriate SMB share.
This is on the exact same Ethernet & HDMI cable as tested with the RPI2.
Topic 1 - Does any method exist for fixing this other than a clean install and restore settings?
Topic 2 - As the V4K has a few issues with DVD.ISO Menus that stay on the OSMC GUI while playing the DVD Menu audiotrack before crashing that may, as suggested, be resolved in kodi v18… would the best procedure to test
1 – Install Clean as per Reinstalling OSMC - Vero 4K - OSMC
2 – Restore settings from backup
3 - Slap Leia over Krypton as per [TESTING] Kodi 18 (Leia) builds for Vero 2 & 4K
Thanks Folks!
A quick skim of the logs doesn’t show any attached disks to your device.
I’d check they’re getting enough power and mounting properly in /media first.
I see in your sources you’ve added shares in a way that’s not recommended all (smb://TOWER).
- Use a static IP and not hostnames for quicker share resolution and better reliability
- Use an fstab mount if you plan to stream high bitrate content (i.e. 4K)
There are also some Samba changes (necessary after WannaCry fiasco) that change behaviour of SMB shares. Browsing doesn’t work anymore (limitation of Kodi and libsmb currently) but playback should be OK
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Thanks Sam. What path/file can I alter via SSH to change all the ‘TOWER’ to ‘IP’ ?
You need update it in sources.xml, its located:
Thanks Tom.
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I still recommend an fstab based mount instead. The difference is night and day particularly for startup times of high bitrate files
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And I recommend using NFS if your NAS allows it.
SMB has been a pain since microsoft has pushed it out (We should burn them alive for that actually ;} ).
1 - Does anyone know of any command I can issue via SSH to search all files for any instance of smb://TOWER/Media? I need to confirm that I have stubbed all instances of smb://TOWER/Media to smb://192.168.###.###/Media
Note that I drive all my menu navigation via Apperance/Skin/ConfigureSkin/Home/Video/EditSubmenu items … specifically via the ChangeAction command of an ActivateWindow
Opened terminal from my linux machine
ls -a
cd .kodi
ls -a
cd userdata
nano userdata
Changed each version of
Via Brute force I also found TOWER updates needed under videos.DATA.xml, tv.DATA.xml, shows.DATA.xml, & movies.DATA.xml under .kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.skinshorts
2 … Now all of my media sources are only available in list rather than wall mode… grrr. My GUESS is that the change killed my video library / set content. However I changed .kodi/userdata/sources.xml TOWER to each IP.
How to I allow the system to again view each favourite as an appropriate media source so that WALL scrolling is re-enabled?
e_dit****looks like i need to go back into the gui/settings/media/library/videos/manage sources. highlight each favourtite folder, press C on a keyboard, and reset content. Joy_
@Smurphy -> I need SMB for the writes TO the server and do not really ‘want’ to have multiple protocols enabled unless it becomes necessary
@sam_nazarko. after mounting via fstab… what would the ActivateWindow command be?
For SMB it is ActivateWindow(10025,“smb://TOWER/Media/Movies/Children/”,return)
Not sure what you are trying to do, but you are aware that Kodi uses a database for all sources that are imported? So a change on a file base will just break things.
What you may want to look into is path substitution
That’s a cool feature @fzinken… Would have saved me a few evenings of frustration 
After changing (hopefully) all instances of ServerName (TOWER) to the ServerIpAddress in the various xml files… Cleaning the library,… Resetting the context/content for each favourite…
Everything appears to be working again on my test pi. If still good after a few days, I will backup and restore to my V4K
@sam_nazarko & @fzinken
All instances of smb://TOWER
replaced with smb://Static.IP
This results in significantly quicker browsing. My changes have been distributed to an rpi2 and v4k via a backup’s restore.
As of now, I am very happy with this. If, in the future, I hit a wall with high bitrate content I’ll likely be back here to fstab mount the smb share. If I need to go this route I will ask for a a little help after mounting via fstab to determine what the correct ActivateWindow command is?
For SMB it is ActivateWindow(10025,“smb://TOWER/Media/Movies/Children/”,return)
Thanks again folks for the fantastic hand holding 
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