Vero4K live demo (PVR, YouTube, Movies, etc)

Here’s a live demo of my twin Vero4K setup.

I have one Vero4K with OSMC and TVHeadend.
Two SundTek USB TV Tuners (DVB-T, and DVB-S2). The tuners have their
own power adaptors and are connected to Vero4K via a powered USB hub.
(I also have several 1TB USB HDDs connected to each Vero4K).

The other Vero4K is running OSMC and connected to my Samsung TV.
The TV is HD1080 (not 4K). The sound is via HDMI to a Bose Soundbar.

The video shows live TV HD channels - both terrestrial and satellite.
Also browsing YouTube HD videos, and playback 1080p movies and also
PVR recordings.

All done with my TV remote control (you can see it sometimes in the video).
This was recorded on an iPhone 7 camera.

Any questions, you’re welcome to ask.

It’s a brilliant setup. Super-fast and super-stable.
Big thanks to @sam_nazarko and team …!