Vero4k replacement PSU

I was very close to starting a post here asking for help with my vero4k not booting, only to be saved by “Your topic is similar to” pointing out that it was likely the PSU

And sure enough, when I swapped over my PSU from my vero4k+ it works fine. Now. That PSU, I ordered back in May last year. And when I follow the link on the invoice to get a new one, it doesn’t seem to show the same item in the store. In fact the only PSU I can see is a generic Raspberry Pi one that supplies via USB not DC.

Do you not offer replacement PSUs any more that work with the 4K?

I’m not sure why they aren’t in the store listings but you can order them using one of the following links…


We don’t list them on the store as they’re not a commonly ordered item.

Heh. Apparently I’m above average