Vero5 is now a brick

I started to do an update for osmc. The files downloaded ok. But when I clicked to exit and install the updates, the screen went black for a minute or so, then it must have rebooted - my ssh connection to it dropped. Then only the Amlogic logo is displayed, and nothing more. I have removed power to the box, and let it sit for about an hour. Plug power back in, and same thing: just the logo.

I have had what I thought were corrupted memory issues in the past, but could never prove it.

Anyway, what should I do next?


PS: I just tried running osmc-installer on my linux (F40) box. After I select the Vero V, and click the next arrow, I get a dialog stating “There seems to be an issue connecting to the network”. In the terminal box I am starting this from, I get:

“Sat Jul 13 19:04:55 2024” “Attempting to download device versions file installers/versions_VERO5”
Could not parse stylesheet of object 0x2e524110"

now I am really stuck.

Try again, could be a network issue on your side. I remember you had some reinstallation issues in November but this was solved. Did you experience any problems since then until now?

Network connectivity is fine. I could also download the disk image to my linux box ok.

I next tried to dd the image file (OSMC_TGT_vero5_20240528.img.gz) to my usb flash drive. Put that into the Vero, and it got passed the logo and partially booted: ended with

switch_root: can’t execute ‘/sbin/splash_early’: No such file or directory

Tried this several times, re-copying the image to the flash as well.

Not having very good luck with this thing.

Try run the installer again, do you still have a problem?

If you are seeing that message then I suspect the installer is not loading. Did you extract the image before dding it?

If you can, let the installer do the heavy lifting for you.


Would also be good if you could clarify.


Between then and now, there have been several times while watching a video, the video froze. Usually I could ssh into the vero, and see that the mediacenter process was still running. Sometime, though, it would eventually reboot (my ssh connection dropped), and end up with the unhappy face.

If that happens, a post with some logs would be useful. A sad face means a crash has been detected and we should be able to work out why from the logs.

Let me know how the reinstall goes.

It is getting late here, so might not reply until tomorrow.

Good night Ken. We will get this resolved for you, don’t worry,

OK: Doing better, but no real luck.

I downloaded installer again, and it ran okay, downloading the vero image and writing it to my flash drive. But running it on the vero, I get a tar corrupted message. I checked the md5sum of the image that was used, and it was ok.

I have tried several different flash drives, as well as downloading the installer to my windows box and running it there. But still the same thing on the vero: tar corrupted.

Anything else I can check?


I think I have you this solution before, but for your records:

Please write the following image to a SD/USB drive using the OSMC Installer selecting ‘local image’.

And please take a screenshot of the contents of the media after doing so to ensure it’s correct.

With the Vero powered off, insert the USB or SD card.
Now apply power with the toothpick pressed in for about 10 seconds and release it. The toothpick needs to go in the 3.5mm CVBS port.

After a period of time, Vero V’s blue LED should start blinking periodically.
This means that the device has been re-imaged.

You can now remove the installation media, remove power, wait five seconds and re-apply power.
The device should now boot.


Here it is:

And here is the content of the aml_sdc_burn_psmc.ini file:

;Amlogic sdcard burning configure script
;This card burning script support both dos and unix file format, but don’t edit in windows if not dos format
;Except comment, all must readable ASCII letters
;Amlogic sdcard ÉÕÂŒŸµÏñœÅ±Ÿ

erase_bootloader = 1
erase_flash = 1
reboot = 0

;package will filled by sdacard burning tool
package = upgrade.img
;media =

Note that the installer was run this time on a Windows box. That’s why the non-ASCII chars. I did also run on my linux box. I also reformatted the flash as well.

Done. The port is marked as “AV”.


But the LED does not start to blink. With the toothpick in the AV hole, and the button “clicked”, the LED comes on, and the logo appears (amlogic) after about 5 seconds, then in about 3 seconds, the logo goes away, and the boot messages start scrolling (too fast to read). I tried holding the toothpick down for about 10 seconds, but by then the messages had stopped with the last lines:

Waiting for the root filesystem device /dev/osmcroot
/dev/osmcroot: recovering journal
/dev/osmcroot: clean 34229/1875968 files, 356928/7494656 blocks
switch_root: can’t execute ‘/sbin/splash_early’ : No such file or directory

I tried again, releasing the toothpick after only about 5 seconds, and still the same. And no flashing LED. I tried this several times, holding the toothpick in for different intervals. I tried as many different variations as I could think of.

No luck. Just the same messages on the screen.

Did I miss something?


It is not reading the USB then
Make sure you get the timing right.

The toothpick needs to be pressed in before the power is started.

It was.

As for the USB: it might be that. I did try a few different flash drives, both large and micro. Same thing.

Maybe I should just buy another Vero5, and send this one back to you to test? Just an idea.

If you want to send it back for us to take a look you can contact with a link to this thread. There is no need to buy another one.

I have to say I’ve had similar to the comments above about the video freezing and the system continues to run, on a couple of occasions, and I’m noting that the vero is very hot at those times. Now I know this is fairly normal for SOC type things but I do wonder if there’s some heat issues cropping up from time to time. I had something resting on the top of it and have removed it. It’s also providing power to a 2.5" HDD over USB3 at the same time.

What temperatures are you seeing?

I may have some graphs… I’ll check…!

That would be useful. The UK is far from experiencing a heatwave here and the weather has been miserable.

But unless you are experiencing playback issues it could just have been a problematic file.


Definitely not a bad file, it was a playback issue. The same file plays back fine at other times. I’ll see if I can find temp data.

Just wanted to chip in here.

Some of the time when my video would freeze, it would be doing a lot of buffering. Such as when you would try to seek forward (or back).

There wasn’t a heat problem. The Vero is well ventilated, and the ambient temp in my home is comfortable and steady.

Just saying…


Well if the device hits extreme temperatures performance will be affected, including playback. I checked your post history but couldn’t see a report of this.

If you continue to experience a problem then some logs would be useful.