Very slow speeds over FTP

Hi all,

I’ve upgraded my Raspberry Pi (1) from Raspbmc to OSMC today and successfully migrated my video library etc.

I’ve downloaded the FTP from the App Store and it’s functional except that the speeds are very very slow (~400kb/s tops - usually 5mb/s+), but only when transferring directly to my USB drive plugged in to the Pi. If I transfer to the SD card I still get the high speeds. I did not have this issue previously with Raspbmc and was able to transfer with high speed to the USB drive.

Both the Pi and my PC are on wired connections to the router.

Any idea what might be the cause here? Thank you.

You are probably accidentally connecting via SFTP


Hi Sam, thanks for the reply. Much appreciated.

It doesn’t seem to be. It’s definitely connecting over FTP from what I can see:

Plus, if I navigate to the memory card and transfer, it is fast. It’s only slow when transferring to the USB hard drive. This wasn’t a problem with Raspbmc with the same drive, so I know it is capable of fast transferring to this drive.

Actually, just restarted all devices involved and the speeds are back to normal, so consider this resolved :slight_smile: Thanks for your help.

If you are using Bus Power USB HDD on RaspberryPi, you should add max_usb_current =1 on /boot/config.txt.

I am not 100% sure why you are replying to a 3 year old thread.
But just also to bring you on the latest state. That comment is not needed anymore for more than 1 year as it is enable on the Pi by default.

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