Video sync issues with DVD-sourced videos

I have a Vero V. I’m noticing that sometimes after playing for some time, the audio and video become out of sync for videos sourced from DVDs. Videos sourced from Blu-rays or H.264 videos don’t seem to be affected by this. Stopping and starting the video doesn’t resolve the issue. Switching to a different DVD-sourced video doesn’t resolve the issue. Seeking forward and back seems to precipitate this behavior. Restarting the Vero V will resolve the issue temporarily, but the longer it is on, the more likely it is to return.

It would be good to see some logs.

Have you tried the Kodi v21 test builds? There are a number of playback improvements there

I can send you whatever logs you need if you tell me how to download them. I have have ssh access to the Vero V.

I have not tried test builds yet.

I would try the v21 builds first


I installed the test build. I’ll let you know if the issue continues.