Volume buttons chromecast remote stop working if I plug in Vero 4k in hdmi

I have a Sony Bravia TV.

HDMI1: google Chromecast connected. Works well, Chromecast remote fully functioning.

If I plug in the Vero 4k in any of the other HDMI-connections the volume buttons (louder, softer, mute) of the chromecast remote stop working; all other buttons on that remote still work as expected.

Even if the Vero is unpowered (mains plug removed from the mains).

I’ve not been able to find other people reporting (and hopefully) solving this issue.
Any pointers from the experts here?
If there are similar topics here, please let me know.

I’m not sure how you didn’t manage to find any one of the many threads of people having CEC problems but if you have a Vero 4K plugged into HDMI but unpowered it is expected that CEC will stop functioning for all devices connected. CEC is a single wire shared bus and when one device shunts it to ground this stops communication for every device on the bus. You have to plug it in for the protection circuit to pull up from ground at which point devices should start communicating again.

As for CEC issues when a 4K is powered on the first step is generally to power off the display and CEC connected devices from the wall for a few seconds and plug them back in. This will usually reset the device assignments and can cure issues related to that. If that doesn’t work you could try changing HDMI cables and/or cleaning contacts with an appropriate contact cleaner. Bad cables and/or contacts can add electrical resistance which would drop voltage and could bring the bus out of spec. If not the previous then it could be some sort of software issue which I’m not going to get into as that is already contained in volumes in other threads.

As a last ditch, nothing else works, I’m not going to care about CEC working on the Vero but I want to use it without it breaking CEC for my other devices type of situation, you can physically disable CEC either by purchasing a “CEC less adapter” or by manually upsetting pin 13 on the HDMI cable plugged into the Vero so it no longer makes contact. The adapters can be found on Amazon, more info on disabling pin 13 can be found with a general web search.

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Thank you, @darwindesign - your remark about me not finding the threads on this issue is valid.
However, I understood the threads I did read to be different from the “symptoms” in my situation, as my chromecast remote is still working, except for the two specific volume buttons.

I’ll try out the remedies you suggest, and I will also try to get a better understanding of HDMI/CEC .

I’d guess that your chromecast remote is using bluetooth between its remote and the chromecast and then the chromecast box is sending CEC volume commands when you press the volume buttons on the remote. As such the CEC going sideways isn’t going to seemingly effect any function of that remote other than the two that end up touching that control system.