VPN with ProXPN using openvpn

So I followed the directions from proxpn’s website for installing the debian package: sudo apt-get install openVPN

I then have looked at proxpn-bash-client/README.md at master · MattSurabian/proxpn-bash-client · GitHub

Since I have copied the latest release from Releases · MattSurabian/proxpn-bash-client · GitHub and then used my FTP software to store it on the ATV1 its located here: /home/osmc/proxpn-bash-client-4.0.1

After reading the directions for installing the script I get this:

osmc@osmc:~/proxpn-bash-client-4.0.1$ sudo ./install.sh
sudo: ./install.sh: command not found

I am by NO means a linux expert - definite N00b but I can figure things out. In this case I have no idea whats causing this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated - thank you!

chmod +x install.sh

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