Warning Disk Full Message - Could this be due to /mnt?

I have a mounted drive on a workstation system which is kept locked unless required.

This is locked when re-booted and is not accessible from anywhere until unlocked.

I have also set up a mount for this drive in the Veo 4K which is working as a media renderer. The mount on the Vero 4K remains shown in the system but is clearly inaccessible until it has been unlocked from the workstation.

Today I received this error. Could this be due to the fact that I had not been using the workstation and therefore the locked drive had not been unlocked?

Not sure (never seen the message myself so don’t know what is calling it), but If you had posted some logs we could have seen if your system drive was actually near full or not. You’ve been around here enough you should know the drill by now. :grin:

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Hi and many thanks. I am still checking but my original thoughts were wrong because even when locked drive was unlocked I still get the same error message. I have a bit of house keeping to do but this is what I have:-

— / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.6 TiB [##########] /mnt
11.8 GiB [ ] /home
. 1.0 GiB [ ] /usr
676.1 MiB [ ] /media
. 244.7 MiB [ ] /var
. 70.7 MiB [ ] /run
38.7 MiB [ ] /boot
. 24.0 MiB [ ] /etc
3.8 MiB [ ] /opt
. 36.0 KiB [ ] /tmp
! 16.0 KiB [ ] /lost+found
e 4.0 KiB [ ] /srv
e 4.0 KiB [ ] /selinux
! 4.0 KiB [ ] /root
e 4.0 KiB [ ] /lib64
4.0 KiB [ ] .osmcguid
. 0.0 B [ ] /sys
. 0.0 B [ ] /proc
0.0 B [ ] /dev
@ 0.0 B [ ] sbin
@ 0.0 B [ ] lib
@ 0.0 B [ ] bin
0.0 B [ ] walkthrough_complete

Meanwhile wishing you a very Happy Christmas,

Found and identified the problem. Download misdirected and filled my Vero 4K. Now removed download and all OK.

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