Watched State for TVheadend recordings

Hi all,

I don’t know wether it’s the right place to ask. Anyway I hope someone can help me.
I’m having several Raspberry Pis all running osmc. I have a setup with mysql shared databases and tvheadend. One Pi is the server.
The watched state of movies and series works across all clients. Unfortunately the watched state for tvheadend recordings only works for the clients themselves.
For example when watching a recording in the living room the Pi in the bedroom doesn’t know where I stopped this recording.

Is it just function that is missing at the tvheadend server? Or am I missing anything?

Are you watching it via the tvheadend PVR Addon? It maybe that the addon doesn’t support multi client environments. Or are you watching via Video/Files?

I watch it with the tvh addon in the pvr section.