I know @sam_nazarko and his minions are probably very busy developing awesome stuff for us… and I wonder if you could tell us what you are working on ?
I know talking about stuff that is still in development is hard but maybe giving the community a glimpse of what’s to come or giving us some kind of road map would strengthen the osmc/ vero community even more.
I’m sorry I just noticed that new forum section after @the_bo mentioned it
Ps: is there a forum problem with our “avatars” it seems that only the ones that have a custom picture are still visible. Not sure if that is a problem or a feature
Please don’t rush a Kodi v18 release, over the last year you have pretty much made the Vero 4K family the perfect Kodi devices (I can’t comment on the Pi experience).
As the Kodi team already have a release candidate for v18.1 I for one would prefer you wait until Leia is stable before unleashing it into the OSMC world.