What to do with Vero 4K+ when Vero V arrives?

Hi there, like many of you I am looking forward to the new Vero. Which leaves the “old” Vero unemployed so he needs a new task. I could sell but don’t mind to bother. Now the Vero is a Linux based machine so I was wondering if I could install HOOBS on it? It is a Home Assistant-like software.

I was looking at this because I just received a mail that Yonomi is stopping their services. I used this to integrate my Logitech Harmony activities in Apple Siri, which always worked perfectly, even when I was not at home! But movin’ on, I need another solution. Can this be done? And will it be necessary to keep Kodi on the Vero 4K+?

Or could it be possible to install Home Assistant on the Vero?

I think most people will retire it to the bedroom or another less used room.

Yes – that should certainly be possible and I believe people are running Home Assistant on OSMC.

I’ve dedicated the Vero4k to be a docker host for smaller and less memory consuming containers, like Dashy, Bookmark sync/storage, Ddns update client and plan on adding more.

“Home Assistant” shouldn’t be a problem.

I installed home assistant on my vero4k via via docker… there are a few hoops to go though to get docker to run on the vero (installing docker from it’s PPA repo to apt for example). But it works.

I’ve cut and pasted a small script. like “dockers own installer”, but forcing it to install arm64 (since Vero4k(+) and p4 still reports armhf to docker’s own install script). It’s not published yet, since I haven’t had access to any pi to test the probing of Pi version, in order to go ahead with installation. It works fine for the Vero4k(+) though.

And how doe sone install this on the Vero? I am still indecisive if it will be Home Assistant, HomeBridge or HOOBS. Have you for example uninstalled Kodi?

Well i keep medicenter(Kodi) running, i’ve never run any of those softwares, so I can’t tell if you need those mb RAM that gets freed from closing medicenter.

But Vero4k is a rather joyfull Docker box, as long as you keep in mind the “small amount” of RAM. My suggestions to play around.

Can you share the script?

Im willing to install sonarr and other apps via docker

Since it is not fully tested I’ll pm you the script, when I’m satisfied that it works on the pi-side of OSMC then I’ll let it fly like a butterfly.

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I’d be interested in running Home assistant on my vero if someone can point me in the right direction.

I already have a 4k+ in the bedroom, guess my primary device will be up for sale when the V is out, I’m kinda hoping you used a USB-C power adaptor for the V because the standard 4k+ lead is so short!

The Vero V uses the same barrel jack for power input as the previous Vero model. It does not have any USB C ports.

Oh. Does this save costs? I hope the lead is longer on this model?

No, it’s actually pricier.

We’ll introduce USB-C when USB-C is needed and makes sense. There will need to be form factor changes to accommodate this.

Thanks Sam, hoping the lead is longer though :crossed_fingers:

Unfortunately it’s the same – but the PSU has a slimmer profile now and we’ve made some improvements to the PSU.

I would very much like to know how to install HomeBridge, HomeAssistant or HOOBS on the Vero 4K+.

Have you looked on the website of these software packages? They ought to have installation walkthroughs on their site.

Homebridge seems to have the easiest instructions to follow but home assistant may have something too. HOOBS didn’t look that promising to me after a quick search

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Which package must I use on the Vero? The Raspberry one, or the Linux (Debian/Ubintu, CentOS/Fedora or Arch)?

Okay, I found it is Debian. Following the instructions here for installing Homebridge I get an error on the very first command:

osmc@osmc:~$ curl -sSfL https://repo.homebridge.io/KEY.gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/homebridge.gpg  > /dev/null
sudo: gpg: opdracht niet gevonden
(23) Failed writing body