Where/How are NFS Shares Configured?

Hi, I recently switched to OSMC from a build where I basically installed kodi on top of raspbian. On that build, I had to modify my fstab to add my NFS share drives to see them in kodi. This was a pain to figure out and also had issues where it would lose the connection everytime I had to reboot (I had to do a ‘sudo mount -a’ too often despite making them autoboot).

So, I started fresh and installed OSMC on a new card. To my surprise, all of my NFS shares seem to be setup! I was able to easily add my libraries with no setup on the pi. :grin:

That brings me to my problem. I’ve also installed plexmediaserver - like I did in my old build. In plex, I can’t find where my nfs drives are. Normally, I would mount these to specific folders I can find by navigating to them. Any ideas? Thanks!

Hi tikitofu,

These are being software mounted, which is fine; but you will better throughput with kernel mounted (fstab.)

You may need to mount these via fstab for plexmedia server, you should be able to set these up the same way as on raspbian. You would be better of setting up fstab mounted nfs shares, as it will result in less buffering.

To prevent having to remount on reboot, I would recommend an entry like this in the fstab:

ip:/path/to/nameofshare /mnt/nameofshare nfs x-systemd.automount,noauto,ro

you will need to sudo mkdir /mnt/nameofshare

If provided further details of the device your sharing the nfs shares, I can advise further.

Thanks Tom.



Thanks for the fast reply. So I was hesitant to add them in fstab since it already worked in kodi. My concern was having conflicting configurations. Does /etc/fstab supersede the one in OSMC? I’m new to pi/linux…

Also, I’ll try your automount suggestion tonight!

Hi tikitofu,

They shouldn’t conflict, but if your concerned you can remove it. Th easiest way is to connect a mouse right click the video source and select remove.

I forgot to mention, but you probably already know this; you add the fstab mounted video source: you browse to the root file system, mnt and nameofshare.

Thanks Tom.

Everything seems to work fine now. Thanks so much for the help, Tom. :sunglasses:


Glad to hear you got it working.

Thanks Tom.