Which Java Version Do I Install?

Hi. Which of these Java runtime do I download to install on my Vero?
Java 8 page
Do I get the Linux ARM32 hard float abi? Or the ARM64?

You don’t install any. Java is a Memory and resource Hog that will undoubtfully slow down your Vero a lot.
But in case you absolutely want to do so anyway, the Vero4K+ hosts a 64Bit CPU.

Thanks, @Smurphy
Now I’m having second thoughts. Haha. Is there something I can install in its place? I’m hoping to use JRE for BD-J menu

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Can’t tell. Not using Vero to watch BD… Have a dedicated player for that.

I’ll look at this some point down the road as it’s been discussed before.



Thanks, @sam_nazarko :smile: