Which key is transmitted (OSMC Remote Control)?

Hallo Forum,

I am mainly using my Samsung remote control to navigate Kodi and I want to assign this key (cycled red)

via keymap editor to my Samsung remote control. I thought it was “mouse right click”, but it seems to be a different key.

Thank you.

OK, seems to be the “c” key. More details I found on github

Just as an FYI, there’s no need to scan through code on Github. There’s an entire wiki page of all the keyboard controls.


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The OSMC remotes load their own custom Kodi keymap when used in OSMC, LibreELEC, or most other nix based OS’s. What the OSMC remotes do isn’t probably of much help here. The action id you seem to be looking for is named “ContextMenu” and to program this action to a CEC remote you would probably be best served by using keymap editor navigated to…

edit>global>navigation>context menu>

and try whatever desired key you want to program on your TV’s remote and see if you can get a valid response out of it. Note that different TV’s support forwarding only certain keys via CEC so the button you want to use might not be available. If when you attempt to register the key assignment it immediately goes away you will likely have to manually edit a keymap (like trying to program a back key as it will dismiss the window instead of recording the key press). If the response is two or three digits long you should have a working assignment. If the response is longer than three digits then that key will probably not work manual edits or otherwise. And lastly, do note that if your of the mind to try to program a TV’s remotes menu button to a function via CEC it is highly unlikely that the TV will do this. My experience is that TV’s tend to keep the menu button for their own exclusive use. I’d suggest trying the info button if the remote doesn’t have the four colored buttons, or using one of the colored buttons if it does as these will typically forward via CEC. IIRC you have to do a little bit of manual work to use some of those but if that is what you land on just let me know and I can walk you through getting around that problem.


Thank you @pkscout and @darwindesign for you kind help.

It all worked out for me.

Hi Forum,

I kindly like to ask your help regarding the keymap editor again.

I want to assign the “Home” key of the OSMC remote to my Samsung RC as I did earlier with the “ContextMenu”. The transmitted key is “ESC” but I do not identify or can find the corresponding action in Keymap editor. Can somebody please point me to the proper section were to find the “Previous menu OR Home screen” in the Keymap editor (like: edit>global>navigation>context menu>) so that I can edit the ESC key.

Thank you very much.

The OSMC remotes send out ESC when you press the home button but that isn’t really relevant to mapping an action for another remote. The action id for that button using the OSMC keymap is globally set to “PreviousMenu” but it also does other actions depending on what window is active. You can see the OSMC keymap [here] to see what actions are mapped to what.

To do the previousmenu action in Keymap Editor you would go edit>global>navigation>previous menu and there are options there for back and parent that work slightly different if they are more in line with what you want. If you wanted an action that always took you directly to the home screen then you would edit>global>windows>open home although a word of caution there should be that I did run across an issue with the Plex add-on where if you do an activatewindow action (which is what the open home does) it doesn’t close the add-on and gets it stuck in the background until you restart Kodi. It might cause this issue with other add-ons as well, not sure. Something to keep an eye out for if you go that route.

Thank you @darwindesign

I need to explain more detailed what I intend to do:

When playing a movie, pressing the OSMC remote Home key opens the bookmark menu where I can select the various chapters in a movie. This is what I want to archive with my Samsung remote.

I believe that would be edit>fullscreen video>windows>open video bookmarks

In Keymap Editor the first selection after you click “edit” selects what part of Kodi you are applying your action to. When you map in “global” it affects what a given button does everywhere EXCEPT when that same button is mapped to something in a specific window. When you map to a specific window it only affects what happens when that window is the active one.

In this case the “fullscreen video” window is what your seeing when you have any playing video shown that is anything other than something playing through the PVR/DVR system (which has its own window id), and in which there is no overlays shown over the top of it. If you wanted that button to also work when you had, for example, the video control bar active on the screen, then you would need to also map that same action to its window id (videoosd) as well. Then, if you wanted this same button to close the bookmarks overlay to get back to the video without making a selection you might also map this key to a “back” action in the bookmarks window id (videobookmarks) to provide for a nice logical control of bringing this window up and down with the same button. Unfortunately if you wanted to do that last one it would be manually editing only as the Keymap Editor add-on only gives access to the most common windows. Also unfortunately, once you put in any manual mappings that are outside of what the add-on is capable of then you kind of need to stop using the add-on as it will remove the mappings it doesn’t understand.

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Thank you so much! I followed your suggestion, it works, it does exactly what I wanted.

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