Why is vero trying to connect to domain t?

I’ve noticed that my vero4k is making dns requests for a domain t. No tld, nothing. Just t.

Is it testing dns, caching, …?

P.S.: Sorry, if this came up already. I searched the forum, but didn’t find anything.

Hi – where are you seeing this?


On my pihole. It’s coming from my vero. Nothing else but kodi running there.

It’s not that important, since obviously no traffic is going anywhere. I was just curious. e.g. chrome on Android does weird stuff, even on desktop. They send random strings (dns requests to ngwaexq, ltfdssgs, …) to test something.

We certainly don’t have to debug this. I was just hopeful that someone on this forum (since a lot of people are participating) has seen that before. As mentioned before, I’m just curious.

I don’t know what this could be.

Haven’t seen this on my network.

I run pihole too and I am not seeing this.

There’s a reasonable explanation for this here:

WRT the “t” domain, you could always monitor either port 53 or the Pi-Hole IP address using either tshark or tcpdump.

Only thing I’ve ever seen coming from my Vero’s IP address on my Pi-hole is stats.osmc.tv.
Have a screen shot?

No, it looks the same as yours, but instead of stats.osmc.tv it says t.