Widgets from addons not always working

I use TheMovieDbHelper addon a lot in homepage widgets (i like to see what is trending, new, popular this week and so on) The widgets appear working fine ( i mean the posters are displayed, info for each poster is correctly shown when focused)
When clicking an item in a TVShows widget, instead of browsing into seasons and episodes, it goes to the library with an error page?
This used to work fine up until about a year ago, when the widget click options were introduced.

Any chance for an easy fix? I was looking at the code but its so complex LOL i was lost - But, i can follow instructions in case anyone can share a fix

Does toggling the widget click options help in any way?

Would have to compare the code before and after myself to see what might be at play here.

Just checked this: The dbhelper Addon should provide a DBID for each title it’s showing in a widget with the DBTYPE tvshows set.

There’s a simple reason it did work before: The onclick was generic for any item in a widget, now it’s specified for specific database contents. The helper addon is obviously messing something up here.

Will think about a workaround, but will have to check in more detail after the holidays. :+1:t2:

Many thanks Chillbo for replying :slight_smile: No rush at all, enjoy your holidays!

I believe, I’ve fixed this. It will be part of the next update. If you’d like to test beforehand, I can notify you once this is in our staging repo :+1:t2:

Cheers! :smiley:
I m sure its fixed no need to test hehehe
I m watching the github repo, when its there i will get it :wink:

Again thanks!