On the new vero4k+ I’m having trouble connecting via the commandline approach.
after "connect " I receive an error:
Method “Connect” with signature “” on interface “net.connman.Service” doesn’t exist
By the way what is long-service-name?
I tried both the Wifi name and the ultra-long “wifi_…” string to no avail.
The reason why I tried via commandline: via Kodi GUI I could not connect: “Connection to failed”.
The Wifi is visible.
Using either paste.osmc.io or paste.osmc.tv, you copy (eg Ctrl-A / Ctrl-C) the data you want to share and then paste it to the Web page. It should then return a URL.
Do you have a wired connection to the Vero4K+, since the system should normally prefer wired over wireless. Are you sure you ran grab-logs -A with a large A?
First, you’re not getting a “real” IP address for the wired interface. Are you connecting it to a router or directly to a laptop? (You also have no connection to the Internet, which will be the case if it’s connected directly to a PC.)
I can see that you tried to connect to the WiFi access point but the connection was rejected. Does the password have any spacial characters, such as umlauts? Please follow the connmanctl sequence of commands shown above and post the output.
It was a security feature of my Fritz box that prevented access by any unknown device. After temporarely disabling this protection I could connect.