WiFi connection issues

On the new vero4k+ I’m having trouble connecting via the commandline approach.
after "connect " I receive an error:
Method “Connect” with signature “” on interface “net.connman.Service” doesn’t exist

By the way what is long-service-name?
I tried both the Wifi name and the ultra-long “wifi_…” string to no avail.

The reason why I tried via commandline: via Kodi GUI I could not connect: “Connection to failed”.
The Wifi is visible.

You had posted this in a thread titled “Connection to a 5GKz hidden wifi”, which isn’t the case here, so I’ve moved it to a new thread.

The long (or ultra-long) service name is indeed wifi_xxxxxxxxxxxx_managed_psk.

Could you try to connect again using connmanctl and show us all of the screen output (using copy/paste).

Please also run grab-logs -A and let us know the URL it returns.

connmanctl> connect wifi_10d07ab27d3a_7465726d6966756e646c69667565666669_managed_psk
Agent RequestInput wifi_10d07ab27d3a_7465726d6966756e646c69667565666669_managed_psk
_ Passphrase = [ Type=psk, Requirement=mandatory, Alternates=[ WPS ] ]_
_ WPS = [ Type=wpspin, Requirement=alternate ]_
Passphrase? …
Agent ReportError wifi_10d07ab27d3a_7465726d6966756e646c69667565666669_managed_psk
_ connect-failed_
Agent request cancelled by ConnMan
Error /net/connman/service/wifi_10d07ab27d3a_7465726d6966756e646c69667565666669_managed_psk: Operation aborted
connmanctl> exit
osmc@Vero4k:~$ grab-logs -A
grep: /var/log/apt/term.log: No such file or directory
grep: /var/log/apt/history.log: No such file or directory
Exception Details:

Traceback (most recent call last):
_ File “/usr/bin/grab-logs”, line 816, in dispatch_logs_
_ raise ValueError(‘Upload Returned Empty String’)_
ValueError: Upload Returned Empty String

Failed to upload log files, copying to /boot instead. (Unable to verify)

I cat’ed the log into a putty log file “osmc - uploadlog.txt” that I could upload. Where should I put it?


Done (I think)

We need to know the URL, so we can view the file.

Another thing. The connmanctl sequence to connect should be

agent on
enable wifi
scan wifi
connect wifi_10d07ab27d3a_7465726d6966756e646c69667565666669_managed_psk

(enable wifi and services are optional)

Additional question: What is the length of the passphrase/password? There might be a minimum length.

passphrase length = 16 characters

Could you please explain the usage of paste.osmc.io?
As you might have seen grab-logs did not provide an URL.

Using either paste.osmc.io or paste.osmc.tv, you copy (eg Ctrl-A / Ctrl-C) the data you want to share and then paste it to the Web page. It should then return a URL.

Do you have a wired connection to the Vero4K+, since the system should normally prefer wired over wireless. Are you sure you ran grab-logs -A with a large A?

Ok: http://paste.osmc.io/ibusojofeh.xml

First, you’re not getting a “real” IP address for the wired interface. Are you connecting it to a router or directly to a laptop? (You also have no connection to the Internet, which will be the case if it’s connected directly to a PC.)

I can see that you tried to connect to the WiFi access point but the connection was rejected. Does the password have any spacial characters, such as umlauts? Please follow the connmanctl sequence of commands shown above and post the output.

The wired connection is an “offline” connection within a local LAN.

Wifi: password does not contain anything extraordinary: except “+”, “-” and punctuation marks only alphanumeric characters.

connmanctl output =

osmc@Vero4k:~$ connmanctl
connmanctl> agent on
Agent registered
connmanctl> enable wifi
Error wifi: Already enabled
connmanctl> scan wifi
Scan completed for wifi
connmanctl> services
*AR Wired ethernet_c44eac282851_cable
xxx my wifi xxxxx wifi_10d07ab27d3a_7465726d6966756e646c69667565666669_managed_psk
(and other wifis)

connmanctl> connect wifi_10d07ab27d3a_7465726d6966756e646c69667565666669_managed_psk
Agent RequestInput wifi_10d07ab27d3a_7465726d6966756e646c69667565666669_managed_psk
Passphrase = [ Type=psk, Requirement=mandatory, Alternates=[ WPS ] ]
WPS = [ Type=wpspin, Requirement=alternate ]
Passphrase? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Agent ReportError wifi_10d07ab27d3a_7465726d6966756e646c69667565666669_managed_psk
Agent request cancelled by ConnMan
Error /net/connman/service/wifi_10d07ab27d3a_7465726d6966756e646c69667565666669_managed_psk: Operation aborted

What encryption are you using for WiFi? Ideally it should be WPA2-PSK / AES.

It was a security feature of my Fritz box that prevented access by any unknown device. After temporarely disabling this protection I could connect.