Wifi disconnects vero 4k+

Good morning, my name is Yolanda and I write from Spain.
I just bought a vero 4k + I have it connected by wifi, the problem is that in a week of use it has been disconnected 5 times with which I have to put the wifi key back because it does not save it.
Any idea what is happening?
thank you.

How good is the wifi signal? Are you using 2.4G or 5G and if both are available, are you using the same SSID? We recommend different SSIDs.

We are looking at improving wifi re-connection when the signal is marginal. Meanwhile, having to re-type the wifi key is a PITA I know - just try disabling then re-enabling the wifi adapter in MyOSMC.

Use 2.4g the wifi signal is good, when I get home I’ll try to unplug the wifi.
thank you

Keep us posted

Hello, it seems that after two days following the advice of @grahamh it has not been switched off again.
I hope it stays the same.
Thank you.


Glad to hear this

Thank you