Will OSMC skin support "Recommended" TV episodes?

Hi Sam,

Just wanted to offer a suggestion to the OSMC skin (if it’s not already included)

I’ve been using the “Amber” skin on my RPi for well over a year now and one of the most useful features it includes is the ability to list “Recommended” TV show episodes. This being a list of the next episodes to watch for each show in your library (as kinda demonstrated in the photo below…)

This feature is SO helpful to me as I can quickly at a glance say “what shall we watch tonight?” and in one click, start playing the next unwatched episode from that show. I also find it really helpful as it means you avoid any potential spoilers by never seeing the still or synopsis! :wink:

Amber also supports this feature for Movies too, which is quite helpful if you only watched 1/2 a film and can then pick it up again, but TBH, I think I’d prefer a list of “Random” movies over this.

Anyways, just some food for thought! :slight_smile:

Already available via Skin Settings > Customise Home Menu > Select Widget > Recommended episodes.

Ah… :flushed: I probably should’ve started this thread with “I haven’t used the new QSMC skin yet, but…:wink:

Well, that’s perfect then - look forward to using it! (I’m waiting until I receive my Vero to try it out)

Thanks @HitcherUK :+1: