Willing to add skin for 2.35 scope screen?

Good news: the OSMC Skin (Scope edition) is ready to be tested! :confetti_ball::tada:

If you like, you can download the skin here and test: https://collab.osmc.tv/s/B0btNQU8Y3v2zWe
It has to be installed manually via zip as it’s a stand-alone version of the OSMC skin.

Please do test and give feedback! :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

Here’re some details as to how I implemented the scope version:

This is how it looks on the home screen…

2.40:1 masking:

2.35:1 masking:

2.00:1 masking (Netflix aspect ratio):

1.78:1 masking or masking disabled:

During playback…

2.40:1 masking:

2.35:1 masking:

2.00:1 masking (Netflix aspect ratio):

1.78:1 masking or masking disabled:

As you can see, there’s a new small settings dialog that allows users to toggle masking during playback. There’s a new button to access it here:

The button shows the masking aspect ratio that’s currently activated:

The other place where you can toggle the masking is in the skin settings: