Well that is not correct in that way. SMB Browsing (a feature of SMB1) is not available anymore since a Wannacry security update.
But adding the sources manually should still work. I think the easiest for you would be either of these to steps:
Copy the sources.xml and passwords.xml files from your pi (folder .kodi/userdata) to the vero4k
Well after mounting the shares via fstab you then need to add them as sources via Rootfolder → mnt → your share
Well either you copy them via your PC (e.g. winscp) or the easiest directly from your pi to the vero. On the pi: scp .kodi/userdata/sources.xml <IP-of-your-vero>:/home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/ scp .kodi/userdata/passwords.xml <IP-of-your-vero>:/home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/
I tried transferring the files via putty but that didnt add access. The pi that has access to the folders does not come up with browse options when you try to add a source either.
I followed the fstab instructions up to:
At this point, your shares should just work. To test, simply try to go to the share: