Wired to wireless

I have the Vero one and recently moved. In my old place I had a wired connection but until I can ran network cable I need to have wireless. How do I go about enabling the wireless adapter in the Vero? When I pull up network it only shows the wired option.

Use MyOSMC|Networks
You should get a list, which includes wired and wireless, each of which has an ‘adaptor enable’ entry which is selectable.
If you don’t have these, then there is a problem which you should report, with debug logs.

There was a version where WiFi may not always be detected correctly. Just make sure you check for updates and install any new ones. Then the WiFi tab should re-appear.


I have kept it up to date, but did not see the Wi-Fi tab appear. I do show wired and the option to enable and disable the adapter. After that is SQL is listed. The last update install was the June update.

Does My OSMC show you are on June (2016.06-2)? There were two updates in June

Yes, I am showing the June 2 update. I am still only showing wired under the network settings. No option to turn on wireless

Upload a log via My OSMC and I will have a look. Do it on a fresh boot to reduce noise

i am having the same issue and ultimately want to just get my cosmic software to work would u be able to help me or guide me at all i don’t know how to submit a log as since there is no wireless option i have no way of accessing the internet since I’m using a raspberry pi zero thanks