Wireless configuration Issue

Hello all,

Im trying to setup a wireless connection on Raspberry Pi 2, I have installed a new sd card with the latest OSMC build configured Wifi in the steps correctly, but after initial load there is no network connectivity and the log is throwing some unexpected exceptions on UI as you can see in the log.


The log issue:


Firmware issue, either not right firmware or other issues.
Might need to check on driver details for idVendor=148f, idProduct=5370,

[  219.579678] ieee80211 phy1: rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2870.bin'
[  219.579857] rt2800usb 1-1.5:1.0: Direct firmware load for rt2870.bin failed with error -2
[  219.579906] ieee80211 phy1: rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Error - Failed to request Firmware

Looks like the firmware file is missing in /lib/firmware. There was a post about this exact chipset recently.

Thanks, right now Im able to connect but the wifi is renewing the ip address like every 5 minutes so the network is drooping constantly :


You installed network-manager, today. But OSMC uses connman, instead. I think both are in conflict.

This was the reason. Thank you very much:)

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