WPA2/WPA3 Mixed Mode Doesnt Work

Using WPA2/WPA3 Mixed Mode doesn’t work with OpenWrt router while WPA2 standalone and WPA/WPA2 mixed mode does. Can someone explain why this may be?

Which version of OSMC are you on?
Which Device are you using?

July Update 2023, Pi 4

Strange, I only know about the fix for Vero4k that came in the previous update. Not aware of changes. Would need to test here.

That change was to ConnMan (all platforms). WPA3 isn’t supported on Pi but we will fall back to WPA2.

This was tested and verified by a number of users.

So does that mean you have this set to be fixed so Using WPA2/WPA3 Mixed Mode on the router will work with the pi in the next update?

Only WPA2 is supported for now
