So has anyone successfully gotten XSqueeze to work? Mine keeps saying “cannot connect to player.”
So has anyone successfully gotten XSqueeze to work? Mine keeps saying “cannot connect to player.”
For anyone that Is interested:
To see if Alsa is running:
lsmod | grep -q snd_bcm2835 && echo “snd_bcm2835 module is loaded.” || echo “snd_bcm2835 module is NOT loaded.”
To start it if it is not (it is not by default):
sudo modprobe snd_bcm2835
Now I just need to figure out how to make it survive a reboot, because rebooting killed it.
And finally, if anyone else searches this and needs this answer, it goes in the /etc/modules file.
sudo nano /etc/modeules
then add "snd_bcm2835 " to it and hit ctrl-x and save the file. Reboot and you should be good.
Hey gijosh28,
I only registered in this forum to say “thank you very much” for your hints. This was exactly the information I was searching for. It worked well. Awesome!
Btw I am sure this is my first but not last post in this forum. I´m new with raspberry at all, and OSMC works fine for me. So thanks to the hardworking developers, too.
You should add it to /etc/modprobe.d rather than touching /etc/modules directly.
Hi Sam,
thank you for that advice. Could you tell me (as a compete novice to all that linux - RPi - stuff), why? Can only learn…