I was watching videos on YT via addon and suddenly when I tried to type in new search phrase the following error occured (it was yesterday, 17.02.2020, around 5pm CEST):
YouTube: accessNotConfigured Project 294899064488has been scheduled for deletion
No matter what I type in the same error jumps out on the top right.
What was VERY weird - after 100% fresh install the same problem occured (?!?)
Then I deleted the “access_manager.json” from the OSMC youtube App settings. But it doesnt work.
I don’t know something about “API keys”. What exactly I have to do?
Does anyone with more technical ability have a generic version of the file you’ve created, that could be uploaded for those of us that are not so technical that wish to keep in line with EFi and personal identity privacy centric lovers to download?
It would be appreciated by more than a few of us, I’m sure!
I know this isn’t Osmc related but is everyone else’s YouTube add-on goosed? Couple months for me now due to some authentication issues which I believe affects everyone???