4K videos playing wrong size on Vero V

We could use a tool like xmlstartlet

Existing calibrations isn’t the issue I was trying to highlight here. I was pointing out that Kodi with this patch is still writing out incorrect calibrations for 4096x2160 and that all these calibrations get written out just by opening the calibration window (note that I limited the grep to the first match for politeness).

We only support 3840 x 2160 as GUI resolution and not 4096 x 2160. That’s why you get a 2k entry in that case.

Removing the resolutions in the guisettings.xml solved the issue for me as well.

So I would say that a notice to anyone upgrading telling them to remove them would be the solution.

Did you say that the Vero V never would have added them? And the only way to get them would be via copying the settings from a 4k? In that case just adding it is a to-do item in the “how to upgrade from Vero4k to Vero V” thread/how-to/document would be sufficient. (anyone savvy enough to copy the settings between devices is savvy enough to be able to edit the file as long as they are informed it’s needed)

If those settings are generated by earlier kodi versions on the Vero 5 itself, then you might want to look into adding a script that uses xstarlet to remove the videoresolutions node (as mentioned above in the thread) to the install package for users not familiar with linux tools.

xmlstarlet ed -d '//settings//resolutions' ~/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml

Although, you’d also need to apply that to all the ~/.kodi/userdata/profiles//guisettings.xml files as well for those people who use profiles.

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If someone had been running test builds and they had entered the calibration screen before this got patched then the wrong data would be present as in this situation. An automatic fix for something that came up as part of a test build normally wouldn’t be created though so a fix for just an import would be what is considered.

There has been some discussion. If we did that we would probably want to just edit the 3840 x 2160 entries by deleting just those or just editing the sub, right, and bottom entries for them instead of automatically potentially removing any intended user calibrations for other display modes. If your familiar with that program and wanted to post the code to do that there might be some grateful users.

You can remove the lot with awk as well, as I posted above, which is already installed.

I believe Sam’s policy on profiles is that we never account for profiles at all. You might have noticed that we don’t even have proper support for them in My OSMC’s backup utility (you can only select to backup all profiles in their entirety so no thumbnails exclusion for example). I don’t think anyone using profiles should assume they will be accounted for.

Just got the December update and now all my 4K videos are doing the same thing as the OP.
I’ll play around with the suggestions mentioned here but just wanted to put it out there that he’s not the only one.

And how exactly are we doing this?
Is there a wiki or post on how to edit the guisettings.xml file?
Doesn’t look like xmlstarlet comes installed on the Vero V.
Is there any way to fix this new problem with the remote from my couch or will this require some SSH ninja skills?

Here’s what I have tried:
Stopped Kodi with SSH command sudo systemctl stop mediacenter
Installed xmlstarlet with SSH command sudo apt-get install xmlstarlet
Ran xmlstarlet command xmlstarlet ed -d '//settings//resolutions' ~/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml
Fired up Kodi with sudo systemctl start mediacenter
Grabbed my remote and checked a 4K file and it’s still in the upper left hand corner.
Told the Vero to reboot, tried again, still in the corner.
Will have to wait for instructions because I don’t know the first thing about editing XML via SSH.

Okay, I feel like an idiot now.
The post marked as the solution isn’t exactly the solution in tutorialish form, better instructions are in that greyed out link that doesn’t even look like a link.
See here:

So for those blind like me, follow this link: OSMC's December update is here - OSMC - #15 by fzinken

Then read on from there.
I did the nano .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml method which was lame and required me to hold my delete button for like 5 minutes.
But it looks like there may be an easier way, but I can’t confirm because I haven’t tried it myself, using awk -v RS='' '{sub(/<resolutions>.*<\/resolutions>/,"<resolutions/>"); print}' .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml>tmp && mv -f tmp .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml

To remove all screen calibrations run this via ssh…

systemctl stop mediacenter && awk -v RS='' '{sub(/<resolutions>.*<\/resolutions>/,"<resolutions/>"); print}' ~/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml>tmp && mv -f tmp ~/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml && systemctl start mediacenter

We made an honest effort to try to get a hotfix patch to perform this task yesterday. Unfortunately, there seems to be some issues with My OSMC at the moment and we couldn’t get our script to successfully run from within Kodi since it involved shutting Kodi down and restarting it. It turns out that touching these particular settings are not as easy as it may seem as you can’t edit that file with Kodi running, you can’t push those settings via advancedsetting.xml or json-rpc, and I even had a go at doing it with kodi-send but that was bust as well since the calibration reset function doesn’t reset subtitle position. Sam is working on it, but there are complexities.

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Thanks for the reply!
I got it fixed (now reflected in my edit above).

Sorry for the inconvenience.

fyi, I also had this issue, removed calibration from guisettings.xml. Afterwards I wanted to know what happend and if other did have this issue and found this thread. Vero5 btw.

Im having the same issue as of today. How do I Access the guisettings thing?

Do you know how to SSH into the Vero?

Yeah but thats it :sweat_smile:

After login just run
systemctl stop mediacenter && awk -v RS='' '{sub(/<resolutions>.*<\/resolutions>/,"<resolutions/>"); print}' ~/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml>tmp && mv -f tmp ~/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml && systemctl start mediacenter

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Hi all… sorry to report that, after updating my Vero V to the December update, have the same issue as the OP and others… Quarter Screen play of 4K Videos…

Philips 55OLED806 TV Here.

Actually, I don’t feel very comfortable editing stuff via SSH…

Is a factory solution coming anytime soon?


We are still working on a solution. If you need things up fast you could reinstall OSMC.

I will post an update where when I have it.


I don’t know how long before the hotfix system will be fixed so an easy fix inside the GUI can be made available. I would submit that this probably seems more intimidating than it is. If you can follow [this guide] it can be as simple as bring up the command prompt on a PC and typing in something like ssh osmc:osmc@ and from there you would only need to copy that block of text to the clipboard, paste it into the terminal session you opened and hit enter. That would be the entire fix done.


Ok, darwindesign… took courage (!) and did it following your advice…

Now everything works as expected, with respect to this issue.

Actually, I had red that the “Wipe’em’all” method was not optimal and manual editing of that file would have been better but, for the time being, so far, so good.

I hate when wife and kids, for sake of simplicity, revert to Kodi on my Philips Android TV and pick at me for buying redundant stuff for my HT System… :frowning:

Thanks for prompt support, guys!

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Most people shouldn’t have need for Kodi’s display calibrations outside of maybe shifting their subtitle position to preference so for the vast majority of users the “wipe’em’all” doesn’t have much, if any, downside.

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