4K videos playing wrong size on Vero V


I really don’t know much about the Vero shell and don’t really want to get used to it. Can someone explain to me the solution to the problem in simple steps for someone who has never worked with it before? Or can I assume that there will be an update this week, before Christmas, that will fix the problem? Thank you all very much!

If you are allergic to the command line, we understand. You can go into Settings->Display, choose 3840x2160 and for each available refreshrate (sadly, there could be up to 8 of them) scroll down to Video calibration. You will need to set the settings level to Expert to see this option. Then hit OK until you see Calibration reset. OK again, and again in the confirmation dialog then back out and carry on with the next refreshrate.

There will be an update to fix this but I couldn’t guarantee a painless fix method will be available before Christmas.

This is an unexpected side-effect of increasing the video frame buffer so you can enjoy your Pictures in full 4k. Let us know how you get on.


Unfortunately the “reset” only resets the overscan settings and the subtitle position has to be manually set for every resolution (assuming someone isn’t keen on their subs being in the middle of the screen). I don’t think I would want to go through this rather arduous task.

This does work as a temp fix but looking forward to the proper fix. I have quarter screen now since update on Sony ZD9. Just reset 4k 23.98 and 24 to get things moving

I don’t know if there will be a “proper fix” in the near term, but rather just a way for someone to reset their calibrations using their remote control. The issue is that the calibrations that you imported from your Vero 4K are not the same as what they should be for a Vero V. A proper fix would require a method to either not restore these or else do a check on boot or something. A hotfix should come soon though that will allow you to enter a code in the My OSMC add-on and it will remove the calibrations while leaving your other settings behind. Literally the same thing as what the command I posted above does. Once those old calibrations are gone there should no longer be an issue again unless you restore again a backup from an older Vero model.

Just to be clear, it’s not just people who imported settings from Vero 4k. If a user had opened the calibrations setting on a Vero V before the last update (which introduced the 4k framebuffer) they would also have this problem.


We have developed a hotfix patch to completely reset all the display calibrations which is what causes the picture playing in a quarter of the display. To apply the hotfix you would first need to make sure you have updated to at least the current updates as of the time of this post. You will need to open the My OSMC add-on and navigate to updates (the cloud icon), then “manual controls”. Click on the option for “scan for updates now”. Once all updates are installed, or if it comes back letting you know there are no updates available, you can then click on the “apply hotfix” found in that same location. This will bring up a screen to enter a code. You will need to enter “atapogawak” (without the quotes) and click OK. You will be presented with a warning message that you will need to agree to. Once you select “yes” there should be a couple second wait and then Kodi should reboot. If Kodi does not reboot then the fix was not applied and you will need to try again (possibly paying closer attention that the code was entered exactly).

Note: This hotfix patch does the same modification that the previous manual instructions perform. Additionally this is just a one time reset of calibrations. If a restore is done from older settings in the future the calibrations may need to be cleared again. Also note that this hotfix only affects the master profile. If you happen to be using profiles in Kodi then you will need to ssh into your device and copy the following command in and hit enter which will remove calibrations from all profiles…

systemctl stop mediacenter && find ~/.kodi -type f -name "guisettings.xml" -execdir mv {} {}.bk \; -execdir awk -v RS='' '{sub(/<resolutions>.*<\/resolutions>/,"<resolutions/>"); print>"{}"}' "{}.bk" \; && systemctl start mediacenter

UPDATE: I’ve managed to develop a fix that will silently detect and remove only bad calibrations in isolation including for any user profiles that may be in use. It is planned for release with the next update.


What is that?

An automatically generated web link from paste.osmc.tv. With the current system we don’t have control over the name/webpage. Sam is looking at improving that situation which will allow us to give out an easier to type in code. On the plus side someone can see exactly what they will be running when they use the hotlink system.

Ah man, I was hoping it was some really cool acronym I could learn!
Oh well…


If you have the update installed and you select the hotfix in My OSMC, do you need to be online for the fix to work?
Does it use that link to run the code?
I don’t know why anyone would have their Vero offline after just being online to receive the update but if the fix requires you to be online to run it then you may want to note that in your instructions.

Yes. It literally just downloads that link and runs it.

I’d venture a guess that there is probably not many people who would fall into the category of running their system offline, and if they do they put it online to get the system updates and then pull it back offline before applying the hotfix, which they would only need if they were using an early release Vero V and updating inside of a relatively small time window and also had gone into the calibration window while also being connected to a 4K display, or else had imported settings from a Vero 4K/+ that had been connected to a 4K display and had entered the calibration window and had backup up their userdata and restored it to a Vero V, and found this thread and my hotfix but were not able to find the multiple posts with a few options for manually editing the file if one so desired. I appreciate the input, but I think it is better to not complicate generalized instructions with information that may confuse the less technically inclined amongst us if at all possible.

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I too have this problem with a panny OLED, having swapped from a 4K+ and briging all my settings with me…

Did you try running the hotfix I posted above?

yes that has fixed the corner only thing - still very very dark though.

I found the same behavior on my Vero V. First, I applied darwindesigns script to remove all screen calibrations. That helped.
A few days later the problem (4k video is played in a small windows only) occurred again. The hotfix was available and I applied it what cured the problem.
Yesterday it happened again and I have to say that I have not changed anything in my settings, no devices are connected vias USB, and I have no calibration applied under the Kodi settings. Also, 1080p movies were played in a quarter window in the upper left corner. First, I tried if the hotfix is still available under myOSMC updates, but it was not. Because it was late already and I did not want to SSH the Vero, I just did a reboot. After the reboot 4K and 1080p movies were displayed as they should be.
My best guess is that the problem is somewhere deeper.

Are you fully up to date? Are you using profiles? I’m a bit confused as if you happened to be running a build that produced these wrong calibrations then the hotfix shouldn’t have worked. Also they shouldn’t be recreated in the first place after the hotfix as it is modifying the settings file and then swapping it out as Kodi reboots so there shouldn’t be a way for something to get missed… at least in the master profile. If you are running profiles then nothing I posted earlier will touch those. In that case someone would need to either manually edit each ~/.kodi/userdata/profiles/[profile name]/guisettings.xml file or else run the script I posted earlier swapping in the file paths to your profiles.

If none of the above explains the behavior your seeing please post some logs so we can take a closer look. Thank you.

Thank you @darwindesign for your fast response.

Indeed I use different profiles on my Vero V. My best guess is, that switching between the profiles triggers the issue. Your explanation makes totally sense to me, so I do not upload logs at the time being. I will apply your patch on every profile on my Vero V and report back (with logs) if the problem persists.

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Happy to share I ran into the same issue after updating.
The so called hotfix never worked and did anything. (no reboot)
Quadruple checked the spelling of “atapogawak” and I am not using profiles.
Using the CLI of course worked as advertised. See post 54.
However my zoom/scaling issues are still present.