This section has been provided for users to provide useful [HowTo] instructional posts for the benefit of the community as a whole.
Though we are unable to officially support any of the tutorials provided by users here, we will do our best to weigh in and offer insight or opinion when appropriate.
While normal users cannot create new threads in this section, approriately tagged [HowTo] posts will be moved to the [HowTo] section by moderators after they have been deemed to not be obviously detrimental to system function by devs/mods. Once moved to the [HowTo] section, OP will continue to be able to edit the original post and all users will be permitted to reply/comment in the thread.
Message for [HowTo] Contributors
Please provide the following information in the OP of each [HowTo] post.
- Use an appropriate topic name that includes the [HowTo] tag in order to facilitate ease in searches
- OSMC version tested/confirmed to work with
- Platform tested/confirmed to work with (pi1/pi2/Vero)
- Any other specifics (requires static ip, only wired connection, etc)
Please understand and respect forum policy
All forum policies will continue to be enforced here, in particular, forum policy regarding piracy/copyright infringement found here. We mirror Kodi’s own piracy policy which can be seen here.
OSMC is thrilled to have such a great communtiy and would like to thank you all for your understanding and support!!