Amazon Prime Video on OSMC (Raspberry Pi 2)

Hello all,

since yesterday I have a brandnew Raspberry Pi 2 and installed OSMC on it

I also have 2 Raspberry B with Kodi and used this tutorial to install Amazon Prime and it works fine

But i cant do that on OSMC

there is no option to “install from zip” file in add on section

please help thats urgent for me to change from Kodi to OSMC

I am sure I saw that option when I was checking out OSMC the other day, but seem to recall that it is quite well hidden!

Next time I am on I will check it out, but hopefully some kind soul will post here in meantime to give you it’s exact location!

many thanks !

change the skin to confluence, not all options seem to be implemented in osmc skin already

I already have changed to confluence

where did you get amazon plugin?

It’s there, go to settings>addons then click on the … (dots) at the top left until you back out all the way, you will see install from zip here.

ok, thought i have to download like tunein plugin

I don’t know about the prime plugin, I am responding to where the “install from zip” choice is located

many thanks i find the releted menu setting now

Amazon Prime is now working fine

Hi perlian,
I just installed a KODI plugin on my OSMC Alpha 4 on RPi2, works great for my machine … followed the instructions given here: … mybe it’s the same plugin that you are referring to (unfortunately in German).
Best wishes!



many thanks for help
yes its the same tutorial that i have used
of course in german (im a german guy :slight_smile: )
In the meantime… after i switched to confluence skin the option to install from ZIP is visible
Amazon prime is now working fine on my RPI 2
Next time i will switch off my old RPI B and work with OSMC on RPI 2

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The install from Zip is also in the OSMC skin.
I believe it’s in: Settings > Other… > Add-ons

Yes, this method installs amazon prime, but will it play? The rpi, nor the rpi2, to my knowledge, can’t use adobe flash player.

Probably won’t play no. I just answered how you install add-ons :slight_smile:

Yeah, I don’t spreche german too good, but I know how to use real well. It states you need to do this:

but no adobe flash for the pi, so why do it?

I can confirm that the addon works on rpi b and rpi2 :slight_smile:

Yes, but can you watch the amazon prime movies on the pi?

Yes I can watch amazon prime instant video movies on my rpi with this addon. You can also choose the quality of the stream. With rpi2 1080p also works. With rpi b i had stuttering on 1080p.

Works great here too, running Rpi2 with OSMC RC
Seems VERY choosy as to which shows will work - get a lot of ‘failed to play’ messages.
So far I have had the best luck with the Amazon produced exclusive series.