Amule: i cann't install it

God morning:

I’m trying to install amule in osmc but i get the message “Unable to locate package amule-daemon”

Is it possible installing amule in osmc?

Thanks a lot,

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Have you tried searching the forums ?

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I visit a lot of forums (including that you show me), but it doesn’t work.

If you know any other solution, i’ll try it.

Thanks a lot,

More info please? Do you follow some tutorial and did you update the apt database before trying to install?
What is the exact command you issued and what is the exact error message?

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Could you be a bit more specific ?
What doesn’t work ? Which error message(s), if any, are you getting ?

If following that topic, which step is causing problems ?
How far do you get ?

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I have just done:

1.- sudo apt-get update.
2.- sudo apt-get upgrade
3.- sudo reboot
4.- sudo apt-get install amule-daemon

And the message that I received is:

E: Unable to locate package amule.

I follow the steps that are in the indicated forum.

Thanks a lot!! :slight_smile:

Did you do this?


Yes, but the result is the same.:pensive:

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So you did add the lines mentioned in that post to sources.list?

amule is not in debian jessie anymore.

Another way would be to download the packages from wheezy manually and install them with dpkg.

Thanks a lot mcobit! I have add the lines in sources.list but the result is the same

But, if I want to download the package from wheezy manually and install it, can you please explain me how i must do this? I have downloaded a .tar.gz file of amule_2.3.1-9 but i don’t know how to proceed.

I am very new with linux in general and with the raspberry in particular :frowning:

Thanks a lot,

Google is your friend.
Find the amule packages in the raspbian wheezy repository and download them with wget.
Then sudo dpkg -i them.

You should really understand what you are doing before doing it. So I will not post a step by step copy/paste tutorial.

If packages are not in a distribution anymore, normally this is for a reason.

Also the method described here and the one in the other thread can lead to problems with the system later that will be hard to troubleshoot if even you do not know what you really did.

Thank you mcobit.

I have done a lot of proofs but i can’t get installed amule-daemon.

I will follow trying it.



Did you get it?