ATV Image update install error 4.2.3-19-omsc(19)

Error reported for installing atv-image-4.2.3-19-omsc(19)
Anyone else resolved this error? Thanks

I was planning to have a bet running with @sam_nazarko about when the first “ATV Image update install error” would be reported after the October update :slight_smile:

Please check the many other reports that show up every month after the update

Your boot partition is most likely read only due to unclean shutdown.

Download the latest version from our website

Let us know if you have any further issues

I was planning to have a bet running with @sam_nazarko about when the first “ATV Image update install error” would be reported after the October update 

Smiley face or not, how is this sort of snarky response conducive to “community”? The rest of your comment is spot on, but this is completely unnecessary.

Not quite sure I get your point here…

The answer has been documented so many times, that I see no issue with encouraging users to search for an already answered solution.

As I said, the rest of the answer was spot on. Being nasty to people doesn’t enhance community. I realize he’s frustrated that it comes up with every release, but the first sentence is completely uncalled for.

It’s slightly amusing, and it’s not really nasty. The fact is we deal with a lot of repetitive questions, and if you can’t find humour in that, you won’t last long.

Assuming OP is not in a quivering mess crying on a floor somewhere, I think we can safely assume he found the information he needs and @fzinken helped him.


Hi ,

I just download last version from web site , same erreur ATV Image update install error 4.2.3-19-omsc(19)

any resolved u end?

thank you