Cannot connect transsmission PC-Rpi2

Hi I try to connect transsmission PC - Rpi2 (OSMC) like below:
but when I open app in OSMC I don’t see torrents. (I can see my torrents from OSMC in my laptop but in web browser in: http://“osmc IP”/transmission/web/)

You need to explain the problem in more detail. You will probably get more help on a Transmission user forum. If you are referring to the Transmission Kodi-addon, you likely haven’t configured your IP address and user/password to access the service, which is why you can’t see the status of any torrents.

You need to explain the problem in more detail. You will probably get more help on a Transmission user forum. If you are referring to the Transmission Kodi-addon, you likely haven’t configured your IP address and user/password to access the service, which is why you can’t see the status of any torrents.

I did exactly like on video in the link, on Kodi addon I have localhost, user and password paste, so if I see everything in web browser it should be in transmission desktop app also i think :confused:

Did you set the right port?

Can you upload a debug log? It may be best to contact the author of the Transmission plugin for Kodi. We don’t know much about it. If it works via the browser, then that suggests that Transmission via OSMC App Store works correctly.

I haven’t used the add-on before so I am not sure if it works reliably with the version of Transmission we bundle.

I noticed that on the link I put in first post on video he has Transmission and kodi on the same laptop and I have Transmission on laptop and OSMC on Rpi2 so maybe thats the problem :). When I click “Open Web Client” on Transmission preferences it open in web browser address: http://localhost:9091/transmission/web/.
But when I want to have the same session in web browser and Rpi2 I have to type adress:
So maybe I have to change something in transmission’s prefferences in settings.json file ?

So what’s the right way to set the IP and user etc.? Could you please point to some solution? Thanks.

Looks like the video in the OP explains things perfectly. Exactly what are you trying to do and where does it fail?

Okay I missed the video.

However, the video works if there is a GUI for Transmission.

I’ve run the config from command line:

  • set user
  • set password
  • set download folders

Could not see any option to enable a web client.

I logged back in Transmission app, write my name, my password.

Search for torrents: “Could not connect to search site”.