Can't access Vero 4K/OSMC from Windows

That was before he reinstalled. Now it seems to work

Ok, I’m out. Gentlemen, thx for this learning and keep my fingers crossed.

Yeah let’s hope to see a {solved] on this soon


Thanks for your help and support, thus far @JimKnopf

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Thanks, seems I got this wrong (thought that smb errors are in dmesg but that’s only if kernel mounts are involved).
So please provide grab-logs -J

I’ll upload as soon as I get back home.

So we have got rid of the installer errors :grinning:. Now have you tried downgrading the SMB version as described here File sharing with a NAS, media server, windows share or other device

Why don’t u give my suggestion a try:

Hi @brifletch,

pls try on the windows machine windows + r, regedit, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters \AllowInsecureGuestAuth and set it from 0 to 1. Did the trick with my win10 clients and samba.


if it doesn’t work, just set it back to zero.

Ok I tested a fresh WIn10 install and unfortunately can not reproduce the issue

P:\>net use l: \\\osmc /user:osmc
Enter the password for 'osmc' to connect to '':
The command completed successfully.

I know that this is not good news but it for me points once more to a setting on your Win10 machine that is different.

Like i’ve stated in the post above yours!

This issue appears with latest version of win10.

But not related to the setting you mentioned “AllowInsecureGuestAuth” is set to 0 on my fresh install

Ah, ok, strange!

I think i know why, do u have the smb1 features still installed? And which version of win10?
I’ve got 1709 build 16299.19

Nope, disabled

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-WindowsOptionalFeature –Online –FeatureName SMB1Protocol

FeatureName      : SMB1Protocol
DisplayName      : SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support
Description      : Support for the SMB 1.0/CIFS file sharing protocol, and the Computer Browser protocol.
RestartRequired  : Possible
State            : Disabled
CustomProperties :
                   ServerComponent\Description : Support for the SMB 1.0/CIFS file sharing protocol, and the Computer
                   Browser protocol.
                   ServerComponent\DisplayName : SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support
                   ServerComponent\Id : 487
                   ServerComponent\Type : Feature
                   ServerComponent\UniqueName : FS-SMB1
                   ServerComponent\Deploys\Update\Name : SMB1Protocol


Do you happen to have Defender turned on in Win10? If so try disabling it and see what happens.

I doubt it be related as it most likely only impacting for connections towards the Windows machine as a server. But never harms to check.

Morning guys. Thanks for the additional suggestions. Haven’t had chance to try anything else yet, due to family commitments. Hope to get some time later today.

@kid63 I did look at what you suggested yesterday. That entry wasn’t already in my registry (which was a little odd - should it be?) so I added it and rebooted but it didn’t make any difference. I’ll have to check I did it correctly later.

I can’t understand why this issue had presented itself. I’ve always been able to connect without issue, and I can still connect to other networked drives from the pc without issue, and now I can connect to the osmc drive from other devices it’s clear the problem lies with the pc, but I haven’t made any changes or updates recently.

Well at least on my fresh Win10 install it existed

So what is the error you now get when using net use command? Still the password error?


If bmilham’s suggested of turning off windows defender/firewalls. I would check these rules are setup correctly:

File and Printer Sharing (SMB-Out) [TCP 445]
File and Printer Sharing (NB-Session-Out) [TCP 139]
File and Printer Sharing (NB-Name-Out) [UDP 137]
File and Printer Sharing (NB-Datagram-Out)[UDP 138]

Thanks Tom.