Can't access Vero 4K/OSMC from Windows

Just making a start on today’s attempts to connect …

The short answer: yes, still seeing the password error.

The more long-winded answer (in case there’s any clues in the steps I’m taking):

If I delete the IPC$ hidden entry net view does not work …

C:\Windows\System32>net view \\
System error 5 has occurred.

Access is denied.

So, I visit the Vero’s IP address in Windows Explorer, and the first prompt asks for my network credentials. I then type in my PC Username and Password, and I see the 2 shares (osmc and connected USB stick) in the Explorer Window.

Running net view now is successful

C:\Windows\System32>net view \\
Shared resources at \\

Samba 4.5.12-Debian

Share name   Type  Used as  Comment

FLETCH-32GB  Disk           Auto-mount Volume
osmc         Disk           OSMC Home Directory
The command completed successfully.

But trying to map the drive via net use returns the following error.

C:\Windows\System32>net use p: \\\osmc /user:osmc
System error 1219 has occurred.
Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again.

So, I delete IPC$ again, and try to map the drive again, but the password is rejected:

C:\Windows\System32>net use p: \\\osmc /user:osmc
Enter the password for 'osmc' to connect to '':
System error 86 has occurred.

The specified network password is not correct.

That is really strange, maybe try:

net stop workstation /y
net start workstation

And also check any connections to osmc already with net use

The only way how I can create your error is if I type wrong password on purpose.

C:\Windows\system32>net use p: \\\osmc /user:osmc
Enter the password for 'osmc' to connect to '':
System error 86 has occurred.

The specified network password is not correct.

C:\Windows\system32>net use p: \\\osmc /user:osmc
Enter the password for 'osmc' to connect to '':
The command completed successfully.

I think we’re all in agreement that the issue lies with my Win10 machine, but I’m at a loss as to what to try next, particularly since the same machine is connecting successfully to other network shares.

I’ve also been able to connect to the osmc shared folder from my wife’s laptop (also running Win10).

I did have Defender on, but have also now tested with it off, and it makes no difference.

Do you know where I’d find the specific rules? I’ve allowed File and Printer Sharing in the Defender settings, but I guess that won’t make a difference when I’m unable to connect while Defender is off, anyway.

   C:\Windows\System32>net stop workstation /y
    You have these remote connections:

        W:              \\\Mediavault
        X:              \\\omv-emby
        Y:              \\RASP2OPENELEC\Userdata
    Continuing will cancel the connections.

    The following services are dependent on the Workstation service.
    Stopping the Workstation service will also stop these services.

       Computer Browser

    System error 5 has occurred.

    Access is denied.

    C:\Windows\System32>net start workstation
    System error 5 has occurred.

    Access is denied.

net use is currently showing no connections, but running delete suggests that ‘something’ is connected?

C:\Windows\System32>net use \\\IPC$ /delete
The device is being accessed by an active process.

Sorry, I missed this earlier. I’ve now tried on v1 and v2 and still no joy.


If turning defender of makes no difference, then I wouldn’t worry about them rules.

Thanks Tom.

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Are you and your wife’s computer both on the same version of windows 10?


It would have really helped to have known about this! So now we can rule out the Vero 4K as the problem, and zoom in on the Win10 system. You will need to do a ‘Stare and Compare’ of your Win10 systems to see what the difference is.

Nope. Mine was an ‘upgrade’ installation’ whereas my wife’s was pre-installed with the laptop. I’ll check the version numbers tonight, but I know mine is now on the most recent update and my wife’s isn’t.

I thought we’d already ruled out the Vero 4K as the problem when I was able to connect to it from the Openelec box, earlier? I only thought to try with my wife’s laptop yesterday, and updated this thread as soon as I’d confirmed it.

The fact remains though that it’s only the Vero 4K that my Win10 PC is having problems connecting to. It connects to shares on 2 Openelec boxes, and the shares on my NAS without issue.

Well, not really as your problem seemed to be with WIn10, the Openelec tests didn’t really prove anything.

My apologies. We do get people who seem to withhold important information like this sometimes, so… You understand :wink:

Understood, but it all points to the 1 WIn10 system as the problem. So I’d again suggest a
Stare and Compare’ with the Wife’s laptop.

IIRC, OpenELEC hasn’t been patched in some and doesn’t have SMBv1 disabled and is not patched for WannaCry.

I’m travelling with work this week, so I probably won’t get much chance to do so. Would you suggest that there’s anything in particular I should be looking at, or a good place to start with this?

Well I guess quite a few options possible to impact this. I would start checking the SMB protocol versions. Open a powershell (with run as administrator) and run this commands.

Get-WindowsOptionalFeature –Online –FeatureName SMB1Protocol
Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB2Protocol

The commands and their outputs can be found here

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With all these options, it’s surprising any machine gets to talk with any other smb.conf

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Thanks guys. Will be able to take a look at this further when back at home at the weekend.

When you have time check out your Windows machine to compare the settings as suggested. If that doesn’t reveal anything than you can increase the debug level on the Vero for checking the logs as this helped today another guy to fix his issue. See here

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Thanks again @fzinken. Still haven’t had chance to spend any more time … family stuff. Will update later this week.

9 months later, I finally check the thread you linked to above and see that the suggested solution

sudo systemctl stop samba
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
add the line lanman auth = yes and ntlm auth = Yes
sudo systemctl start samba

And this fully resolved the issues I was having. Can’t believe it’s taken me so long to come to that conclusion, but all’s well that ends well!

Thanks for your help, @fzinken and all! :smiley:

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This was incredibly helpful as I could not connect from Windows 10 without setting these parameters. I could see my Vero samba shares, but windows 10 rejected the password login attempts no matter what I tried. I knew it was something weird because I could connect from my Macbook Pro, but not my Win10 machine.

I can’t seem to see a Samba wiki article anywhere, but it seems like this solution really should be pinned/added to a wiki. Thanks for the solution!

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Added to File sharing with a NAS, media server, windows share or other device

We recommend not editing smb.conf directly but using smb-local.conf for customisations. That way, a samba update won’t zap them.