Configure OSMC/Kodi GUI Without Monitor?

WARNING: n00b alert!

I have a Pi3/HiFiBerry DAC+Pro running Kodi connected to a modestly high-end system tasked exclusively for music. However, there are times when I need to make a configuration change which necessitates disconnecting the unit from my stereo and attaching it to my PC monitor.

Is there a way that I can remote into Kodi from my PC as one would a VM (Virtual Machine) to access the GUI to enable me to make changes to the system without having to physically relocate the box and connect it to a monitor?

Thanks in advance!

Please search for ssh or vnc server.

Thanks. I’ve used SSH before, but that install procedure is, as the saying goes: “above my pay grade.”

There’s been talk about VNC becoming available in the app store. I guess I’ll wait it out. It took a huge amount of twaddling to get OSMC and my HiFiBerry to work properly together, I’m not going to risk any changes by way of an accidental keystroke.

it’s actually pretty straigth forward if you follow these instructions

[HowTo] Install a vnc server on the Raspberry pi

Just a little varning, the first line, sudo apt-get, is longer then what is shown in the window so you have to scroll to copy/paste it all.

I might give it a try, but not before cloning the existing configuration to another card. I went through a lot to get the HiFiBerry working properly and the wireless connection to be stable. Seems the wireless card or drivers are a bit dodgy on Pi3, but it’s working now, and I’m not takin’ any chances. :wink:

Enabling the HifiBerry just involves selecting the HifiBerry in My OSMC and clicking OK. If you are having trouble, let us know, as something may be broken.

The WiFi drivers for the internal wireless have been stable for a while now

Actually, it’s a two-step procedure. I had to enable the HiFiBerry in ‘My OSMC’ and then also select it and disable GPIO LIRC support in the audio configuration. Omitting that tidbit can steer a lot of folks wrong.

As to the wireless, it’s been PITA since day one. I have chronic problems with OSMC and others (like Volumio and OpenELEC) losing the connection configuration. I might have only just today figured out that disabling the wireless adapter might help, I guess we’ll see how it goes.

But that’s not the only problem. Once attached to my audio system, Yatse has trouble connecting, dropping the connection, re-establishing the connection… it’s just a F’n mess.

It’s not as though I haven’t been trying - I have three different Micro SD cards with three different OS implementations (Volumio, OpenELEC, OSMC) and each is plagued with its own set of problems. I like Volumio for its simplicity and it seems to have greater output volume, but I like OSMC and Kodi for the ability to use Yatse.

At the end of the day, I wish this stuff would just work.

In recent versions of osmc, enabling HifiBerry will disable the LIRC overlay

The internal adapter is good, but depending on range and your environment, you may benefit from an internal adapter

We are happy to help you fix any OSMC problems. WiFi can be tricky though because it is subject to environmental factors

Selecting HiFiBerry did in fact trigger a warning, but the full text was cut off so it wasn’t readabe, and GPIO LIRC was still enabled. It would also help to know what the ‘pull up’ or other settings do for those of us who don’t know our ass from a hole in the ground. :wink:

As to the wireless, it’s been a chronic problem. None of my other wireless devices have any connection problems, and it’s not like I’m at a loss for signal. I’m running two wireless routers with DD-WRT bridged to extend the signal, so it’s wall to wall, literally. That said, the Pi is only five feet from the primary router, so it’s not a signal issue, it seems decidedly a software issue. In fact, I can’t even get the system to recognize and connect to the wireless. It’s seen, alright, but when I try to connect… fail.

On the whole, this experience truly sucks. If it weren’t for the fact that it would cost me $1000 or more to get a DAC of quality enough in keeping with the rest of my system, I’d abandon the thing entirely.

Why are you trying to use a “Media Center” exclusively for music and headless? There are so many better choices out there for what you are trying to do. Kodi has never been touted for it’s proficiency as a music box, even before you get to the point that it was explicitly designed to provide the user with the 10 foot UI. You are using the wrong tool for the job I think.

Because that’s the only thing I could get to work, other than OpenELEC and Volumio which also have a problem remembering network credentials.

I chose to stick with Kodi because it works well (when it works at all) with Yatse remote.

What I really wanted was to run MediaMonkey or MusicBee, but regretfully neither are coded for Pi.

Is there any reason the “right tool” (whatever that may be) would be any better from a performance standpoint than Kodi?

Yes, you are wasting resources on a GUI that you have no use for. Volumio and Moode would be my first choices. But if several completely different OS’s are having trouble “remembering network credentials” then I think you have bigger problems than what OS you choose.

Hardware issue?

How do you turn it off?

When I have access? Via the GUI. Then, there are the other 90% of the times…

So 90% of the time you just yank the power from a running system? If yes, then this is why your credentials don’t get remembered, file/operating system corruption due to dirty shutdowns. User error.

I think you’re missing the point. I have to unplug because the wireless drops the connection then fails to re-connect to the network. So how else does one safely shut down the device?

Without a monitor? SSH command. Or you buy a hardware solution (button) that will still require use of SSH to install a script that monitors the button and then sends the safe shutdown command when it senses a button press.

If the system is consistently dropping WiFi, if your AP is stable, that’s generally a clear indication that the power supply may be insufficient and should be suspect until proven otherwise.

I’m not missing the point Sir. I’m trying to tell you that just yanking the plug from a running computer is the most likely reason why you are struggling with every attempt you’ve made to build a stable music player. Of the tens of thousands of users running Linux based systems on RPI, their systems are quite capable of maintaining file share credentials.

I’m afraid you are missing the point, sir. I’m well aware of proper shutdown procedure, but if you’ve lost your network connection - never mind file shares - then nothing short of pulling the plug will work. That’s what’s been happening. Last night, I had a fully functional OSMC install and shut it down via the GUI. I went to bed and by the time I tried to access it this morning, it was not connecting the the network.

Just for shits and giggles, what I might do is buy a second Pi3 and power supply to see if that improves matters. It’s not a big investment, it’s just frustrating.

I cant see anywhere here where you said how you confirmed the issue is with network credentials.

How did you come to that conclusion?

The issue might be with your router.