Configuring Azerty Keyboard


As I’m experiencing some problems to get the physical keyboard input of OSMC configured for Azerty I was thinking about submitting a post in the Wiki. But I’m not ready yet because after spending a lot of time I’m still unable to make it work.

The first time I wanted to configure the keyboard I succeeded by applying the method of this post:

- Either plug a usb keyboard or connect a remote keyboard to OSMC (note that if it's an Azerty, you'll have to type as if it was a Qwerty, that is to say 'q' instead of 'a' etc).
- In Kodi home screen select 'Quit' in the 'Power' menu, and keep the 'ESC' key pressed just after
- When the input console appears, enter login/pass (by default: osmc/osmc)
- Then type:
	> sudo apt-get update
	> sudo apt-get install console-common
- When the wizard opens select “Keymap from full list”
- Then choose “AZERTY / French / Same As X11 (latin 9) / Standard”

BUT a couple of days later the layout reverted to Qwerty (maybe due to an OSMC update or whatever, I don’t know). Therefore I read across the forum again and found that the following method should make the choice persistant (Bug installation - #9 by grahamh).

Method 2:

- In the console, type:
	> sudo nano /etc/rc.local
- When the confirmation appears in the bottom line, enter 'Y'
- File edition...
The problem I encountered then is that on the TV the first 7 columns of characters on the left are cut off.
Anyway I searched on the Internet to know what is written by default in this file to be able to move the cursor in the hidden zone and to make so that both lines follow the comments:

	sudo loadkeys fr
	exit 0

- Type 'Ctrl+O' + 'Enter' to save the modification
- Unplug/Replug the power alimentation of the Vero-4K.

But unfortunately this procedure does not work (I also tried with “sudo loadkeys fr-x11”).
Then I tried the Method 1 again but the wizard did not show anymore.
Another search told me that you can make it appear again by calling the following command:

> sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data

Thus I could reselect ‘AZERTY … X11’ in the list, which is well taken into account just after in the console. But after restarting the Vero-4k, when entering some text in Kodi it’s always in Qwerty.

Could someone please help me to find a definitive and strong solution (so that eventually I won’t have to enter the console mode anymore)? Any suggestion is welcome.