Do not use "idle mode" in my Vero2

Did you reinstall the kernel? You said that you installed an update. This explains why it stopped working for you. I also checked, and you have:

deb jessie-devel main

That’s why you got an update after the August update, because you’re on an experimental repository and you shouldn’t be running this longer term. You should be on:

deb jessie main

You can adjust this in /etc/apt/sources.list

As explained again, I need the output of the command suggested in my previous post to at least know what your projector is advertising as supported modes.

This should be a pretty simple fix (we’ve already shown we can fix a resolution when necessary), I just need you to follow the instructions I have suggested.


Hi Sam,

tonight I will do the following:

Reinstall OSMC from scratch
Apply your kernel again

I will then report back. Anyway, I ran that command previously, and it did mention 1080p24hz as well as other modes. I am going to run it again and post the output.

Thank you,


osmc@osmc:~$ cat devices/virtual/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/disp_cap
cat: devices/virtual/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/disp_cap: No such file or directory

This is what I get…

Here’s a fresh log after reinstalling everything

cat /sys/devices/virtual/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/disp_cap

Try this.


I get no error message but no output at all either

osmc@osmc:~$ cat /sys/devices/virtual/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/disp_cap

I get

cat /sys/devices/virtual/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/disp_cap

If nothing shows, it means the EDID being read isn’t advertising support for any modes. This is why adjust refresh rate doesn’t work, and why you have problems adjusting the resolution. This seems quite unique to your setup, and might be a quirk of your projector. I’ll look at increasing the EDID read timeout as well in the next update (which can’t hurt).

You could try setting 1080p24hz as your resolution, but I’m not sure if the GUI will be fluid enough with this. The stuttering will likely go though.


So…what is the solution? I remember I ran this command a few days ago and it actually worked. I was getting a similar output. Could it be that the reason why it doesn’t work is that I flashed the custom kernel? Could it somehow interfere?

Just wanted to add that my home theater system which is also plugged to the projector works flawlessly…and I can change resolution without issues in there. Same goes for the laptop


After uninstalling the special kernel, the command you suggested works again:

osmc@osmc:~$ cat /sys/devices/virtual/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/disp_cap

Also, the projector works flawlessly with my blue ray player as well as my laptop and any other device, so definitely not a projector issue.

So the status now is that I keep getting black screens upon reboot. Without your kernel, if I change resolution in the GUI (with the display modes listed above), the image blacks out again and I can hear the projector trying to change the resolution.

If I use your kernel on the other hand, I get stuttering as I can’t use the adjust display rate feature. Also, I have experienced black screen after restarting Vero (but not simply turning off the projector).

You claim that this issue has been fixed in September’s release. Any change I can try it?

Thank you

Hi Gianluca,

I’m not sure how I missed the last reply. I’m on holiday currently, so my ability to test stuff directly is a little limited, but will still be checking the forums.

My understanding is that you said ‘Adjust Refresh Rate’ option never worked? With the old kernel that you have now installed, does it work correctly on the first boot (before you reboot or turn off your projector)?

Thank you for posting the output modes.

The problem is that your projector does not seem to advertise a ‘preferred’ mode. It may also be the case (if you are using a long HDMI cable) that the EDID read takes some time, which means Vero 2 defaults to 720p as an attempt at a safe default. I’m guessing your Blu-ray player is simply outputting 1080p and ignoring EDID. This is what I proposed above, but I can understand it may not be ideal if you want to watch at 1080p24. Does your Blu-ray player successfully change the refresh rate to 24Hz? You should see the refresh rate on the projector when the signal changes. The same goes for laptop – are you connecting at 60Hz with refresh rate adjustment successfully working? It would be interesting to know if that is the case.

I recommend we add a parameter called preferredmodehigher which means that if there is no preferred mode, we always try and pick the highest resolution with highest refresh rate at boot. I will let you know when we have something to test. Forcing 1080p is easy enough (as you have seen), but the challenge seems to be that your TV doesn’t support 720p despite advertising it, and this is sometimes picked as a safe default.


After many attempts I managed to force the refresh rate at 24hz in Vero 2 (by editing the rc.local to 1080p24hz). I had to reboot many times before it actually worked, but finally now it works. With this setting the stutter goes, however

  1. The adjust display refresh rate feature still doesn’t work
  2. If I reboot the Vero, I get a black screen everytime. It’s fine if I turn off the projector though, which is what I am going to do from now on until you fix this.
    3)The GUI is very stuttery and laggy due to the 24fps, but that doesn’t come as a surprise.

With my laptop everything works fine, I can change resolution and refresh rate without issues. The problem is only between Vero and the projector, as everything else works fine.


This may because you downgraded your kernel? Only the newer kernel (and newer versions of OSMC) will have the fix for this. Do you have the problem on the newer kernel?

So adjust Refresh Rate works on your Blu-ray and laptop? Does the projector show the display settings changing?


Here’s my theory:

  • EDID read late, so you don’t get this problem on boot.
  • On reboot, everything is powered on, so you get the problem as the EDID is read more quickly.

A kernel is being built by Jenkins which should set 1080p by default, even though your projector doesn’t advertise it as a preferred mode. Reboot and Adjust Refresh Rate should work.

I’ll let you know when it’s ready



A new kernel has been built. I am hoping that this commit will resolve your issue:

If your display does not advertise a preferred mode, we check to see if 1080p mode is advertised, and pick that over the default 720p mode we normally set if there is no preferred mode from the EDID.

wget "" -O vero2-kernel.deb
sudo dpkg -i vero2-kernel.deb
sudo reboot

Hi Sam, will September update break my setup?

Currently I’m using the custom kernel and I am enforcing 1080p24hz so that I don’t get stuttering, but the GUI is pretty laggy.

Can I safely update or will this mess things up? I remember you saying you were going to make some changes in the September release that were going to fix my issue.


Hi @gianrond

Unfortunately, as I can’t replicate the problem here, I can’t tell you for certain. If you run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade via the command line however, you will be able to revert the kernel if necessary.

I don’t anticipate regressions using the kernel published in the September update. I would also expect forcing to 1080p24hz to no longer be needed, but I did not hear feedback from my last recommended solution above. The September update simply includes the proposed fix above, as it is beneficial in other situations
