Epg genre

i’m running nextpvr and the genre colour coding does not appear to be working, the epg lists the genre of the programs but they are all displayed in grey.

this is the same on a rpi-3 running kodi 17, and a rpi-2 running jarvis. this work’s as expected on a android phone running kodi 17 and a windows and ubuntu laptop running kodi 17 so appears to be osmc related

Try a different skin?

all of the ones running kodi 17 are using Estuary and it works on other platforms as expected. the pi 2 is running confluence. can you suggest a skin that is known to work?

I have no clue, I don’t use EPG or livetv, was simply a suggestion.

i have just tried a bunch of different skins with the same result

edit: i downloaded libreelec and it works as expected on my pi2. i also tried installing a fresh image of osmc and it was still not working so this seems specific to osmc

Any suggestions?

btw it didn’t work in jarvis either

BUMP anyone?

Anything? I feel like i’m talking to my self on this one

Its still NOT WORKING!!!

try with tvheadend

To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. The best way to get this information is for you to upload logs that demonstrate your problem. You can learn more about how to submit a useful support request here.

Thanks for your understanding. We hope that we can help you get up and running again shortly.

https://paste.osmc.tv/yafumutafe logs taken on a fresh install, first image is from osmc second is from kodi on my pc

id rather not change the back end to tvheadend as npvr and the genre stuff works as expected using libreelec, windows 7, ubuntu, and android.


    23:09:44.950 T:1582298096   ERROR: CPVRTimerInfoTag: no epg tag given for epg based timer type (5)!
23:09:45.233 T:1582298096   ERROR: Previous line repeats 8 times.
23:09:45.240 T:1582298096 WARNING: CPVRRecording::CPVRRecording - unable to determine channel type. Defaulting to TV.
23:09:45.361 T:1937765360 WARNING: Previous line repeats 127 times.
23:09:45.361 T:1937765360  NOTICE: Start - EPG thread started
23:09:45.935 T:1582298096   ERROR: CPVRTimerInfoTag: no epg tag given for epg based timer type (5)!
23:09:47.173 T:1571812336   ERROR: Previous line repeats 8 times.
23:09:47.173 T:1571812336 WARNING: EPG - UpdateFromScraper - channel not found, can't update
23:09:47.173 T:1571812336   ERROR: EPG - Update - failed to update table 'BBC One'
23:09:48.533 T:1750070256 WARNING: CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings
23:10:03.864 T:1582298096   ERROR: CPVRTimerInfoTag: no epg tag given for epg based timer type (5)!
23:10:40.935 T:1937765360   ERROR: Previous line repeats 8 times.


Not the same issue, but very similar error messages. You say you’ve tried a bunch of skins, did you try Confluence?

Thanks Tom.

the epg genre does not work for me in confluence either, i have not tried recording a series from osmc yet i will try later and report back on that one.

any progress on this? iv been waiting since Feb

I would like to add that I asked about this problem a while back and was told i would need to refer it to the Kodi forum. My problem is that the only one I get coloured genre with is Confluence any other skin I have tried is grey, I use tvheadend.

every other device i have that is capable of running kodi, android tablets x2 and x2 phones, a laptop running ubuntu, a few windows laptops, a intel nuc running libreelec, and my pi’s running libreelec it works. the only thing it does not work with is osmc.

I don’t know for other people ( and that it’s the problem with such thread) what I can tell you that with

  • Vero4(k)
  • OSMC update avril
  • DVBLink add-on
    it’s work’s fine.

For the rest: Sorry. I’m happy and sometime able to help, but I don’t lost my time to try to understand threads like this one