Error installing: rpb-userland-osmc (1.9.0-1) on latest update

Finally got round to grabbing logs

@sam_nazarko Can you make out a problem here?

It makes more sense for this user, @rh2600

I suspect upstream Raspbian has added the JustBoom ALSA configurations to their package, and this is now conflicting with the ones provided by OSMC. Raspbian is a downstream Debian distribution, so they’ve included these files in libasound2-data, but it’s not in upstream Debian.

This can be fixed by moving the card configuration files to device packages.

I was unsure of why RBP2/3 users had this problem, but it looks like they added unrecommended repositories and installed some packages from Raspbian that we don’t support.

Fixed in:

Hi Sam,

Any ideas what it means for me?



Hello Ross

Please see the comments above.


That was fast! :smiley:

Do you mean the Git changes? Will they apply to a future update or is there something I can do now to fix? :slight_smile:

They will be included in a near future update


I managed to solve this problem with the following two commands:

sudo dpkg-divert --package rbp2-device-osmc --divert /usr/share/alsa/cards/JustBoomDigi.osmc.conf --rename /usr/share/alsa/cards/JustBoomDigi.conf

sudo dpkg-divert --package rbp2-device-osmc --divert /usr/share/alsa/cards/HifiberryDigi.osmc.conf --rename /usr/share/alsa/cards/HifiberryDigi.conf

I think you have Raspbian packages on your system.
This has been resolved for a while.

Can you replicate this with a new installation?

I have a cloud storage server running alongside osmc, so, I need some extra packages to run the server and make a clean install would cost me to many time to put all up again.

I detected this error some time ago, but I did not have spare time to solve it. Today I got some spare time and searched the web for similar problems and finded that the suggested solution has to use the dpkg-divert command and I decided to share here to help someone with the same problem.

I think if this were an issue with all updates we’d see more reports than we have.

I believe the issue is fixed now but if you have installed packages from a Raspbian repository, you may have introduced files that are duplicated across multiple packages, hence the need to divert.



I am running osmc 17.8-345 on RPi 3B+. While installing the VNC server I ran the installation command

sudo apt-get install build-essential rbp-userland-dev-osmc libvncserver-dev libconfig++-dev

however this fails to install with error

Err:1 stretch/main armhf rbp-userland-dev-osmc armhf 3.0.0-1
  404  Not Found

Eventually, running make results in this error

DMXResource.hpp:3:22: fatal error: bcm_host.h: No such file or directory
 #include "bcm_host.h"
compilation terminated.

I have used VNC in the past but that was on an earlier version freshly installed by Noobs.

How can this problem be fixed?

The location should be Index of /osmc/osmc/apt/dists/stretch/main i think…

Hi @ActionA, how can I control the path? I am only running the command

sudo apt-get install build-essential rbp-userland-dev-osmc

How can I influence the path? do I need to add to the apt sources?

This is my sources.list

deb stretch main contrib non-free

deb stretch-updates main contrib non-free

deb stretch/updates main contrib non-free

deb stretch main

deb gmc-18 main


Run apt-get update first.

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