Fresh NOOBS install - Update error

I just received my raspi 2 and my sd card.

I installed OSMC and OpenELEC via NOOBS to try both systems. However I failed to update OSMC, I’m getting a popup “Update error - Error installing, Please report this on the forum”.

From this post (RASBERRY PI 2 UPDATE ERROR: script failed: I guess you’ll want these logs.

paste-log /home/osmc/.kodi/temp/kodi.log

dpkg -l | grep osmc | paste-log

Any hints?

It’s kinda bad because I tried OSMC RC2 on my small 4Gb card (yeah, I didn’t know I should buy a micro SD so I got the wrong one xD) and my HiFi Bery was detected in Audio Output.
With the current version, HiFi Bery isn’t detected when I activate “audio passthrougth”.



Oh by the way, is it possible to configure my WiFi through GUI?
I got it working with OSMC installer when I have to prompt SSID and password, but I didn’t get a wizard with NOOBS and I fail to find a menu where I can configure WiFi.

Can you run df -h? You may be low on space


Will do shortly.
While writing this post, I got a popup “Kodi has downloaded an update but will need to exit to install”.

Is there a way to increase space or share all the remaining space of the sdcard between OpenELEC and OSMC, to store video files? (I might be on the wrong forum for this question, though)

That means updates are ready. Check you have the free space first.

Not sure about resizing in NOOBS. I have increased our root partition size for future NOOBS release and that change should be made available soon


Thanks for the tip, at least I’ll get WiFi ;).

I really like OSMC and what I can do with Debian… but OpenELEC has a gallery / thumbnails of video and it’s sugar to the eye.

Maybe I’m missing an addon?


Should go in NOOBS tomorrow, but it will need a fresh install and will not resize itself for existing installations


Not a problem, I just received my first Raspberry Pi and I’m playing with it, to check what I can do, before starting a complete install and customization this week end :smile:.

Congratulations to the team for this great distrib!

If you wish to ‘commit’ to OSMC, you may prefer to use the official installers at Download - OSMC


OSMC is my 1st choice by far, it’s smooth and I love what I can do with Debian.

The only thing missing for me (or at least people who I live with) is the “browing thumbnails” in video library… maybe I’m missing an add-on or something?

Update finished, here is the log:


Did you add your sources?

Otherwise, it’s very simple to change the skin back to confluence.

Thanks ActionA, didn’t know it was a skin. I still have a lot to learn about Kodi :smile: It’s working great (and found that RC3 allows me to connect to my WiFi from GUI!).

Thanks everybody, it’s gonna be a short night of sleep :).
