FSTAB mounting problems

I got some jellyfish-files in that Demo-folder and the 90Mb one is still choppy.

It’s very close to the maximum 93-94 Mbits/sec you’ll get from ethernet once you add an overhead for SMB. Does an 80 Mbit/sec file give problems?

90 should be ok on fstab with a modern Samba version

How do i doublecheck that im indeed using fstab? Remove the smb link? Or is it enough the fact that i added it as root device and chose it under /mnt in kodi?

I didnt get the 80Mb file but will get some more tomorrow to see where i am. It does look faster now, its just not fast enough.

Win7 supports CIFS v2.1 and NTLMv2.
Win8+ supports CIFS v3+
Sometime in the last 3 months, something in samba changed.
Going with the latest, supported, CIFS version should improve stability, performance and security.

BTW, it is probably best NOT to put userids and passwords into fstab files. Use the credentials=/path/to/cred-file option and set the permissions to be root:root 600.

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I will change the OS sometime, just not right now.

However about the password, thats a super idea. But do you know how this should look? Could you post an fstab-line in this way? And is there an option anywhere else I have to turn on?

In that file just put

The fstab syntax was given to you already above. Use that instead of username/password in the fstab line

Ok will try.

But one thing…the folder didnt get added to the “homepage” right under files as all my other smb shares did, i have to browse into it everytime. Is there a way to get a link to it next to the others?

You add them to sources like you would generally add any new source.
If you still have your other SMB shares there remove them to not mix Kodi mounts with fstab mounts

Is this correct:

-rw------- 1 root root 33 Apr 29 21:45

The 70Mb is fluid.
The 80Mb is just above the edge and gives a coupple of small small mini chops.

Fstab mounted drive is slightly faster then smb so this is cool, not as fast I would have hoped but maybe a win10 environment will help a little.

But how can I make a network speed-test to see how the new network is looking for the vero.

Thanks for the feedback on the performance / speed using SMB.

If you want to test the “raw” network speed, you can use iperf3. (Search this forum for a zillion examples.)

If you want to test network performance over SMB, I’d recommend using dd. Something like:

dd if=/mnt/smbshare/bigfile.mkv of=/dev/null bs=4M status=progress

You’ll obviously need to choose a real name for the file you’re copying.

Ok so I only get 85.6 median (peak of 90) so this is kinda disapointing. But the swith is Gb so Im a little unsure what is the problem. I dont think it has flow-control, the switch is the oldest part of my network (is end of life), but it has some other options so is there something else I could do? The cable is CAT6 to the computer but I could try and change the cable to the Vero since I think its one of those tiny tiny ones.

Could you clarify. 85.6 Mbits is iperf3 or dd over SMB?


I ran a cable test on the switch and both of my “low profile”-cables came back with 100fdx and all the normal ones with 1Gfdx so Im gonna try another cable first, but that has to be tomorrow since its late and they are all in the cellar in my stash…

For non-Linux file systems, ownership,group and permissions are set at mount time. When showing permissions, it is always best to show the file/directory too.
Of course, if you use NFS, then native Unix permissions work as expected … except root. root control only works for the system hosting the storage by default. This is a security consideration.

I actually dont know enough to make a descision since permissions can be tricky to get thing to work. I was just wondering if I set the file right.

I cant cat it without sudo so looks ok.

No better from testing a brand new cat6 cable. Exact the same result.

I feel its a little low, is there anything else I can try?

Result of dd is:
1128468600 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.1 GiB) copied, 108.786 s, 10.4 MB/s

So thats almost as high as the iperf. Both daughters are playing right now ( one is playing splatoon 2 and the other is playing Guild Wars 2) but they are not very demanding games so I dont think they affect the network that much.

I want to add that I have turned off all cashing etc on my hard drives and turned off stuff like hot-swap and told them to spin down when not used. I dont think this affect stuff much but I wanted to give that information. They are WD red disks.

Also Im back on that lowprofile cable because I dont have a new one to install permanently, and it does say “short” on pair 3 in the cable test (OK overall) but as I said a new cable didnt change the throughput at all so…