Full SBS Playback


The Vero V DOES support Full SBS…

I did some experimenting, and when you first play a F-SBS movie you get a cropped image like in the first post of this thread… BUT, go into the setting and adjust the pixel ratio all the way to the left (0.50) and the full image is displayed and in 3D…


No luck with Full-OU though, it reverts to 2D playback, so no adjustment of the settings will help that…

Sure, but that squeezes the picture and you get basically the same quality as with Half-SBS/TAB.

That makes sense, if you halve the horizontal ratio you get half the definition… But at least I can now play my F-SBS videos without having to recode them to H-SBS until, hopefully, we get true F-SBS support.

We will :slight_smile: !


:+1: :crossed_fingers:

Just FYI, I’ve got F-SBS/TAB running here now. It needs some more internal testing before we release it. So just stay tuned, the wait is almost over …




Thank you.

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This is now possible in Kodi v21. We have test builds here: [TESTING] Kodi v21 release builds

We plan to release this as a stable release with Kodi v21.1 in a few days.

Looking forward to your feedback

Really?!!! FSBS is working!!! I’ll buy a Vero V soon!

Yes - we expect to release support as a stable update this week

Thank you, thank you, thank you…

The latest update now supports Full-SBS AND Full-OU, and it works flawlessly , at least for H.264 encoded files, it doesn’t like HEVC encoded files, but this is not a huge problem for me as I only have a handful, and I can re-encode them.

Thanks again, this is a huge deal for me.


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Can you please post a log playing back an HEVC file as well as the MediaInfo output of such a file?

Many thanks


@Xeth84 time to pick up a device while it’s on sale.

To look at it I would need a 30 second example clip.


Hi, sorry for the delay, work always seems to get in the way…

Here’s the link to the log…


A link to a 30 second clip…


And the mediaInfo…


I hope this helps…

Thank you in advance.

Thanks, I’ve downloaded it and will take a look after my vacation.

Thank you…

Hope you enjoy your holiday.
