[HELP NEEDED] Translating OSMC in to other languages

If you’re able to login using your username, can you double check what your email address is in your WebLate account? With that you should be able to login as well.

[quote=“[HELP NEEDED] Translating OSMC in to other languages, post:101, topic:89558”]

Hello @Chillbo
I can confirm, that login for me working only over the osmc forum username - translator-10@contribute-osmc.com user name no longer working - tested on 2 PCs.


Good, then the login is not broken. Can you check which email address is being used in your WebLate account? Login should also work with that one…

Just found out why i couldn’t login after these changes was made, it is because the Email address has changed, originally it was translator-21 , but now after the changes was made to the system, it is translator-20.
Just for your information.

I can confirm the same thing as @thansen_dk

the osmc.tv and contribute-osmc.com user ID are different in my account as well.


This was probably my issue as well.

Same issue in my case
I was translator-10 and now I am translator-9
Probably some translator was exterminated

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I think we started at 0 for the new address. So we have an off by one.

That’s correct… The rest of the login information has stayed the same as before for everyone. Please check which email address has been assigned to your accounts to forward to your private email addresses, if you’d like to use this to login.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience - I should’ve mentioned this when we switched to a different domain to fix forwarding issues.

In the network myosmc app there are some hardcoded and untraslatable labels, mainly in the mysql section, but also the Exit button.

Plus, there is a notification message that is not translatable

others notification in the file are created with self.lang(…), this one is hardcoded

There’s one string, “URL: %s” which shouldn’t change. How to I tell weblate that it’s approved?


OSMC Weblate server is down again?

I’m looking in to this.

This should now be solved.

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It is working now.
Thank you

We’re aware of the inconsistencies and will be looking into it. Thanks for the hint! :+1:t2:

My OSMC has been reworked quite a bit now and almost all visible labels should now be translatable. We haven’t had the chance to address the issue of untranslated notifications, but that’s on the list…

Please check your translations over at WebLate before the next update that’s right around the corner :+1:t2:

Hello, can I have a Weblate account?

Which language would you like to help translate?