Hifiberry digi+ not working with January update

Thank you for the quick answer. Any technical details you could share ? What changed between the different version ?

All release notes will be made available on the blog

hifiberry stopped working again after june update

Please explain


soundoutput reverted back to hdmi after update.

and i cant select hifiberry under system>audio-output either.

Sorry to hear about this. You have been a user for a over a year now, so I assume you know how to debug the issue. Please start a new thread if you continue to experience this problem with the information needed to debug this issue. Also let us know if you need any pointers.



Same issue here. Thanks for any pointers.

Same issue hereā€¦
ā€œdmesgā€ command says nothing about hifiberry :frowning:
# dmesg |grep snd

#cat /boot/config.txt |grep dt

I donā€™t know if this is related but in the kernel config /boot/config-4.4.13-1-osmc
we can read:

Please see Wiki - OSMC for some guidance. Unforuntately we havenā€™t got enough information to look in to this matter.

This is for the ā€œRed Rocks Audio DigiDAC1ā€ sound card, not the HifiBerry sound card.


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No time to dig ā€¦
So I revert back to vmlinuz-4.4.8-3-osmc and it works again ;o)
If you donā€™t known how to revert, here is the howto:
# cd /boot
# cp vmlinuz-4.4.8-3-osmc kernel.img
# \rm -rf overlays && cp -r dtb-4.4.8-3-osmc/overlays .
# cp dtb-4.4.8-3-osmc/*.dtb .
# reboot
You will have to reselect your hifiberry card in the system/audio config.
PS: My Machine model: Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Rev 1.1

thanx, i guess i have to do the same ā€¦ no time for deep investigations ā€¦

I wouldnā€™t call uploading a log a deep investigation, but unfortunately without it I canā€™t resolve the issue ;). Iā€™ll chase up with the HifiBerry guys, as there have been a few issues with their device lately, and they may have some suggestions.

If you must downgrade, you should do so via apt-get, otherwise autoremove is going to remove your active kernel, which could be problematicā€¦

Im kind of a linux newbie here, and I am having the same problem. what do I have to run with apt-get to roll back a version?

Iā€™m using a hifiberry digi and had the same problem with the June update.

The file names in the overlay folder have been changed and are missing ā€˜-overlayā€™ from the end of the old file name.
e.g. hifiberry-digi-overlay.dtb has changed to hifiberry-digi.dtbo.

Edit the new file name to include the missing ā€˜-overlayā€™ and this should solve the problem.

Hope this helps.


We changed the overlay scheme but I was not aware we needed to keep the -overlay file extension.

Iā€™m not actually quite sure that is necessary but will check


-overlay doesnā€™t seem to be needed at all: firmware/boot/overlays at master Ā· raspberrypi/firmware Ā· GitHub.

I suspect this may be caused by mkknlimg and the trailer.

Does copying vmlinuz-4.4.13-ā€¦ to ā€˜kernel.imgā€™ resolve the issue? If my guess is correct, then

sudo apt-get install --reinstall rbp2-image-4.4.13-1-osmc

Should resolve the issue too. Substitute rbp2 for rbp1 where necessary. This will use the new kernel postinst.

This is important to know so I can identify any potential issue.

HifiBerry Digi+ not working here as well.
It seems that ALSA is not working when /boot/config.txt is set-up the way it worked for hifiberry before, i.e. with dtparam=audio=off and dtoverlay=hifiberry-digi-overlay. This way ALSA device is not listed in Audio output devices, only HDMI and analog.
If i set dtparam=audio=on and reboot, it shows the ALSA device, but it is not set to hifiberry. When I select it, the sound continues to play over HDMI instead over hifiberry.

Just to confirm, it still doesnā€™t work after trying my above instructions? That isnā€™t quite what I expected unfortunately

I donā€™t know if this helps.

What I found was the Soundcard Overlay selector in My OSMC still shows the old hifiberry overlay entries with the -overlay extension, and no matter how many times I edited the config.txt file entry manually ā€“ even setting the Soundcard Overlay selector to ā€˜noneā€™ and then adding:


to the config.txt file manually.

As soon as I rebooted the config.txt dtoverlay= entry would automatically changed to:


and the card failed to work.

Only changing the overlay file name to hifiberry-digi-overlay.dtbo solved the problem.

osmc@osmc:~$ sudo dpkg --reinstall rbp2-image-4.4.13-1-osmc dpkg: błąd: nieznana opcja --reinstall

dpkg says: error: unknown option --reinstall