Home key function changed

I take it that on your your Vero 4K+ you didn’t have the OSMC remote control dongle plugged in then. This mapping is coming from the special keymap for our remote with the point being that because the difference between back and previous window is quite minor, and the OSMC remote has a back button, I switched the home to just go to the home window as a more useful function. Because the Vero V has a dongle inserted internally this means, by default, the special keymap for the OSMC remote always loads. There are two different options to correct your issue. The first option would be to just disable the special keymap by going to settings>system>input>peripherals>OSMC RF Remote> and enable the option “Don’t use the custom keymap…”. The other option would be to add a keymap of your own overriding just the mappings for the home button. Information on how that would work can be found in the following thread…