[HOW-TO ALL PLATFORMS]Can I use Netflix on OSMC?(post 4)

That’s the current version on Debian stretch. And it still works.

osmc@osmc:~$ dpkg -l python-pip
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name           Version      Architecture Description
ii  python-pip     9.0.1-2+deb9 all          Python package installer
osmc@osmc:~$ pip install pycryptodomex
Collecting pycryptodomex
  Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/7f/3c/80cfaec41c3a9d0f524fe29bca9ab22d02ac84b5bfd6e22ade97d405bdba/pycryptodomex-3.9.7.tar.gz (15.5MB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 15.5MB 16kB/s 
Building wheels for collected packages: pycryptodomex
  Running setup.py bdist_wheel for pycryptodomex ... done
  Stored in directory: /home/osmc/.cache/pip/wheels/39/0f/61/086a5d1373a9c88a0711aa786ca264c7e784506dde63fe41d4
Successfully built pycryptodomex
Installing collected packages: pycryptodomex
Successfully installed pycryptodomex-3.9.7

Whatever the problem was, it probably wasn’t due to pip being too old.

I also see that you originally tried to install version 3.8.2 of pycryptodomex, which failed, but you succeeded when you didn’t specify the version (3.9.7).

Thanks for you answer. I don’t know why but the upgrade of pip solved the problem and it was really the only change I made before successfully install pycryptodomex… weird but the solution was there.

I have an other problem now, I just realized my Rpi is version 1… I need to restart all my configuration on a new one to enjoy netflix !

Thanks a lot for your time guys.

Now i’ve removed the version restriction of pycryptodomex in the script, hope it will continue to work.

I made a new fresh install on a Rpi 3. Everything fine this time… So your procedure is OK (even with picryptodomex latest version). Thanks Joakim_s !

The netflix add-on repository on github has an installatation guide that seems to be regularly updated to for the latest version of the plugin: https://github.com/CastagnaIT/plugin.video.netflix/wiki/How-install-the-addon#installing-on-osmc


Great, now i don’t have to maintain any more :wink:

Even if the instructions isn’t the same as github, as long as my instructions works i’ll keep an eye on this thread.

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Sure thing, keep up the good work! Maybe you could add the link to the repositary description to your guide. Some people might not know how to search github for it and might assume its only hosting the zipfile you link :-). The information in the repository adds depth to your concise and easy-to-follow guide, that maybe quite helpful for some.

At least it would have been for me. I am wary now of guides that appear dated (while yours is maintained, it still shows the date as Dec 2017). Since the guide on github does not show as the first search on google, I tried downloading the plugin files from some abandoned repository at first by following a guide on another (dated) website…

Plus, I think it’s a proper to reference your sources, especially if your work is made stronger by it :wink:

I suddenly got the urge to watch Netflix after a long hiatus. This used to be easy but now…not so much.

Looks like most of the web pages holding the ZIP files for the repos and/or addons are unavailable. Pulling the latest from GitHub also doesn’t seem to work. It installs but complains about background services not being started. I get the feeling the war between Netflix and the addon guys is currently running in favor of Netflix? Even the guides claiming to give you a working Netflix in 2020 don’t work.

Is there a guide that provides a working Netflix on the current build of OSMC for the Vero 4k+? Or is this something that isn’t going to work at the moment due to Netflix being a PITA?

Moved your post here as it is the most appropriate place.

The instructions remain the same. You can follow the fourth post


Thanks Sam! I’ll give it a try today.

This worked for me, thanks so much. Spent the whole day installing reinstalling everything and 20 diffrent ways of getting netflix on. I had a issue where widevine didnt want to extract. got this error when widevine tried extracting :ascii codec cant decode byte 0xc5 in position 29:ordinal not in range (129).

The new input stream helper did the job and only after a reboot. But thanks legend


I’ve recently been having the same issue on my Pi3B with widevine extraction. I would be very interested in the details of how you solved or worked around this.


Hi, I’ve upgraded to a larger SD card thinking that was keeping me from installing the netflix plugin. I get the error “The operation has been cancelled. InputStream Helper has generated an internal error: (‘The read operation has timed out,’)”
Does anyone know what could be going wrong? I’m following the steps to install word for word on a clean install of the latest version of osmc.

Somewhere in this thread [joakim_s] posted a ssh script that downloads a new input stream that can install the widevine. Just reboot the pi after you run it and try again. Worked for me. Can’t find it now. On my phone not at the computer. Wil check later and post it for you


Thanks for that. I tried using the IS Helper but it seems my problems are more systemic in nature. I appears that my old Pi3B might be EOL as I started having other issues as well. I replaced it with a Pi3B+ and all is working as normal.


Can someone help - I ran the netflix install script and installed the addon, and now I have only the netflix addon. How do I get the amazon prime VOD? The forum seems to say it is bundled together and appears as a separate addon. Not seeing it on my Vero4k with the default osmc skin, default everything else. No error messages on the install. I did a full system update and upgrade before installing.

I found the amazon plugin by adding the sandmann79 repository using wget https://github.com/Sandmann79/xbmc/releases/download/Repository/repository.sandmann79.plugins-1.0.3-leia.zip and then installing that zip file using the addon from zip file option. Then using the addon from repository option I selected the sandmann79 repo and installed the current live amazon VOD plugin (not the old deprecated one).
It logged into amazon prime when I configured the login, and extracted the widevine library from the google download in about 20 minutes when I played the first video. Many thanks to the developers who made these tools, my other half will be very happy with this extra entertainment during lockdown.

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Thank you for excellent work. I followed your instructions on a Vero 4K+ and it worked 1st time, out of the box. I haven’t done anything about hardware acceleration or size because I’m not sure where these settings are. Any suggestions where I go to make sure they’re set to 720 and software accel would be helpful.

I have got Netflix working, great!
Now I am able to play Atmos with 1080p. Unfortunately 4K isn’t working although my gear should support 4K without issues. The only thing is… my beamer is limited to 30 frames in 4K. Can this be an issue with Netflix? I have read Netflix uses 60 frames by default. Not sure if this can be down scaled to 30 or lower?

Kind regards